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fashion advice

I have an older brother by two years. So I hung out with him and his friends growing up. Got game pretty early in life. At 12 the girls decided I was "cute", so game was through the roof by then. At twelve the best was at my friends baseball game. His older sister said: I can't believe I'm making out with my little brothers friend!

I miss this: 20 things you never see in malls anymore

malls are awesome places tooo bad they are gone!
Oh, my older brother credits me for meeting his first girlfriend. Despite her having a younger sister my age. I messed around with two of her friends. A few weeks ago we talked about the glory days. A cousin said the secret of my "game". I don't care about the outcomes. Fashion is the same deal. Girls care, but us guys should only care about will these boots or shoes get us "laid". Even if its too impress the wife!
I do agree its a more dangerous world. But at 11 or 12, rarely got a ride with my parents. We took the bus into Richmond and even the PNE here in Van. The latter not the safest of neighborhoods. But nothing bad ever happened. Knew the bus routes and schedules back then. I drive by an elementary school up the road from me. Its sad you don't see kids without an adult. Even walking.............. Part of my success was I walked home with girls in my classes at elementary school. No adults even the kindergarten kids. We should go back to those days......... Forget legal pot. The US needs to lower the drinking age first.
Reactions: MikeysZ06
Yeah, dads didn't like me at all.... So I stuck too girls with no Dads around for awhile. Single mothers are pretty lax about dating. Most want to keep their boyfriends away from the daughter and her friends.
I'll probably start a flame war on this one. I graduated in 1990 from high school. "Grad" present was a first gen and first delivery Miata. It was too girly so I "sold" it for my 1985 Corvette. Neither car impressed the girls much. My girlfriend at the time was in college Kwantlen in Richmond. A guy made a comment on now I get why you'll date a high school kid cause of the Corvette to her! My best chick car was my 1970, worlds slowest sports car Karmann Ghia. Chicks loved that car. So much its in my best for chicks ever top of the list of all time vehicles........ Fathers want to help their sons get chicks. Restore a Ghia together and keep it drive able. The kid will fight off the girls in high school or college................... plus they are easy to work on and restore.
I'll probably start a flame war ... neither car impressed the girls much ... .fathers want to help their sons get chicks ... plus they are easy to work on and restore.

Ya no flame war here
just my award for the week...

I just chalk the idealism up as being nostalgic
and good reasoning for wearing the shirt too ...
(on-topic - "fashion")

no flame war​
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.... all in his moms basement likely ...
... oh good ... I'm not the only one to notice as I design and always know where those unfinished walls most often are ...
How can one not help but to stereotype from this photo?
... as I cannot seem to give this guy the benefit of the doubt of having a snack or the energy in the middle of renovating a room with ...

drywalling, tape, sand & paint ... being next on the list ...
(ya sorry boys ... reminding of the "honey-do" list for some of us)​
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A 35 year snack break...
Reactions: YFCvii
and here's one of Eric's Interviews he must have done ...
don't miss this one ....
Millennial kids are that useless.......... I was doing marketing for a company. Mostly handing out samples in grocery stores. Whole Foods was one. The stock guys at one store had a water gun fight in the loading dock. I can see why Costco hires old ladies for sample hand out jobs, etc.............

Some are perhaps, but in general I do not think they are anything but a product of the cultural and technological progression. Same as we were in our time. Bigger more modern tractors etc on the farm gave us much more time to enjoy TV and indoor plumbing rather than working non stop through the winters feeding a tending to the livestock. We were considered to have it easy compared to our parents and grandparents.
I see you are demonstrating the same opinions that were perpetrated on your own generation... that's what makes this so funny to me. Of course in our day there was no youtube and all the other social media crap that instantly displayed the moments in everyones life that were less than admirable.
I've got a kid here who is working harder than I have ever worked pulling in 100% marks in University saying "a PHD is not enough..I want more". I've got another one who is running a business and already owns properties at 25.
Yes it is true the millennials generally do not work the way we did and do, but maybe these kids are just working smarter in general than we did because they have the tools and means to do so.

my 2 cents...

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