Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
Cambridge ON
2006 vert, 1994 vert
I've enjoyed the benefits of F-lux for a few years now and wondered it anyone else knows about it or has used it too.

Very very good for the eyes if you're a night owl at all.

No it's not a magic potion -- it's a screen adjuster tied in with the time of day and it works slick.

Give it a try -- you just might like it and the price is right. :D


f.lux: software to make your life better
Very interesting. I need my computer to keep me up. I'm worried if the color is too soothing and I fall asleep while using it, I'll smash my head into the keyboard and enable some command on my computer that I can't get rid of. :rofl:

Actually, it looks pretty neat. Cool idea.
Did anyone catch Dr.Oz on Friday? He brought out some orange glasses suggesting that people wear them 2 hours before going to bed to block blue light from the tv and computer so that your brain thinks it's evening and you can sleep better. Hahaha. Seriously, when there is a computer program to soften the blue light from the computer, why would anyone want to wear orange glasses? Seems like a pain in the butt to me. Great find on this program Colin.
Colin, I installed it and like it because it makes very subtle changes which are actually pleasant and soothing,
It's good isn't it Al -- I like it and if and when I turn it off for some reason it's quite dramatic on the eyes.
I've not done much empirical study on it but it seems to help with the day/night transition while awake and pre-sleep/sleep transition and is totally 'tailorable' to your eyes.

Go into the settings and adjust to your needs. A little experimentation will be worth the effort.

Did anyone catch Dr.Oz on Friday? He brought out some orange glasses suggesting that people wear them 2 hours before going to bed to block blue light from the tv and computer so that your brain thinks it's evening and you can sleep better. Hahaha. Seriously, when there is a computer program to soften the blue light from the computer, why would anyone want to wear orange glasses? Seems like a pain in the butt to me. Great find on this program Colin.
lol, same kind of idea, Riley....actually my tv automatically adjusts to lighting conditions in the room to help the eyes in low and high light conditions but f-lux takes it one step further and is programmable.

Give it a try Riley if you haven't already......I find it quite an eyesaver/eyesoother and if you believe what the experts say about readying yourself for sleeping, it will help with that too by limiting the amount and intensity of light for a time b4 bed.

fashion statement ??


My system maintenance by Iolo (System Mechanic) has determined that this program is "Dangerous and associated with malicious software.
I have uninstalled and will not use it again.

Uninstall if have it.

Colin, are you now saying that the program is a malware or virus etc,?
Have researched it and found nothing to the contrary. Or am I missing your point somehow. Or are you just plain joking ?

No joke Al -- I wouldn't mess with ya that way ..... :nono:

Not sure if my System Mechanic just doesn't like it or not, but it's flagging it as potentially dangerous. It might be that my cleanup program is overreacting or assessing on the safe side I don't know.

Haven't had time to research in any way , just warned everyone to be safe in the interim since I recommended it.

Only fair thing to do and safest thing to do too.

Best uninstall it if you're using it until determined good to go.:coolgleam:

Sorry about that -- I've loved using it over the years but we sure don't need any more issues added to an already lengthly list these days.

Hi Colin, so far I have run this program through every kind of scanner etc. have found nothing to say it might be malicious. Still like it a lot, and will leave it installed. Have had my share of viruses, malware and Trojan horses over the years but good old safe mode and the right scan has always cured things.

Hi Colin, so far I have run this program through every kind of scanner etc. have found nothing to say it might be malicious. Still like it a lot, and will leave it installed. Have had my share of viruses, malware and Trojan horses over the years but good old safe mode and the right scan has always cured things.


Thanks for the feedback Al -- I was worried that it might be a bad one due to the report I got from System Mechanic. It may have been that System Mechanic erred on the side of caution to be safe for us.....

I went ahead and uninstalled it just in case -- Didn't think it was worth the hassle but once I'm convinced it's ok I'll reinstall -- I really like F-lux and miss it since uninsalling. :confused:

I've fired off a l querry to Iolo to get their views on it. When I hear something I'll post back just so everyone knows what they say.

I'm hoping it's ok to use....

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