Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
Cambridge ON
2006 vert, 1994 vert
Pics of my visit to Manny's today......Just headin' out for supper but will post pics now and text later on .. Great visit and more news on future mods on the Supercharged GS.

OMG it is going to take days for the smile to go from my face!

I know I can't be living there to experience this Colin but I am glad that someone like you does who is kind enough to almost let me feel as if I was there along side you!

And thanks for pics of my lady too, it has been too long since I've been able to look lovingly upon her. I can't wait to bring that to an end.............
Love all the pics Colin. Looks like it was a great visit. I almost stopped by today too.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2

Pity you didn't Justin -- next time .. I'm hoping to get back in there next week for visit so maybe you can stop by that day -- I'll let you know when. Would be nice to hook up and chat.

nice pictures colin, all those cool rides and that shop really start an ol' gearhead ta droolin' !!! :coolgleam:

-- You'll be impressed Doug -- Hope you can make it May 25 for the COPING event and you'll see it first hand......and meet all the great staff.

To say that one can eat off the floor is not an exaggeration.

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Wow! Shop looks busy! Haven't had the pleasure of a visit yet. Is it always like that? Bit too nervous in case I get the urge to spend way too much money on my car! Looking forward to seeing the place and hope I can remain strong.
highly addictive. but unlike the stupid casinos, at dasilva's you're a winner everytime :D

Perfect analogy Doug -- and good suggestion Wayne -- :D

Apologies for not posting any info on the Dashtronix install and usage....
I simply haven't had any seat time and time to post anything else.

Here's the website again with info, instruction, and operation for those interested ....

DashTronix: Corvette

Great pics. I loved all the exhaust plates. While they're all great, I think polar jet Ames first place. I like the low profile.

IMO books, they are all winners though!!

Don't ever be scared to post more pics of things going on at Manny's.
Great pics. I loved all the exhaust plates. While they're all great, I think polar jet Ames first place. I like the low profile.

IMO books, they are all winners though!!

Don't ever be scared to post more pics of things going on at Manny's.

Ok -- I'm going back on Tuesday - I'll have camera in hand and take more.

There are some very interesting builds going on there, a couple of which (one is Arun's) are headed to the Chicago half mile in June ..... can you say mega power...:eek: I'll try for some pics on those babies.

Always a fun and interesting time at Dasilva Motorsports......

I'm going to try for a vid of my followup dyno too after the Alky install. pretty sure Manny or Arun with record that anyway. So that should be interesting too. :D
Stay tuned.

I was expecting to see the Dashtronix in action. Where are the pics??? :D

I did promise didn't I? -- pardon the oversight Rob -- Any pics would be anticlimactic if you've watched the Dashtronix website showing it in action for AFR and BST -- and the weather hasn't really been good for getting boost up there yet ......

I'm getting her out again this week so I'll see about getting some pics of it in action. I have it feeding thru the HUD only so that the DIC displays are all normal.

Colin, if you are going to be at Manny's on Tuesday I'll try and make it there. I'd love to see your beast with all the new work done to it.:coolgleam:

Love to see ya Justin -- I'll be there with Terry about 8:30'ish and spend a little time taking more pics -- I expect to stay maybe an hour or so.....and then go back about mid afternoon for more dynos on mine to tune for the meth kit if you want to see that. Arun doesn't come until 3 to 4 pm.......

Can you bring your vids if you come in the afternoon please? I just have a camera recorder with limited space and iffy sound.

Let me know that you're coming early and I'll bring a Tim's for you. I usually take in Tim's for the boys when I go.

Tuesday is promising to be very nice weather wise too.

Hope to see you then.....

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