2992 > 3177 = 186
BG Still Rock'N

Nice! Only 680 cars to go until my car is built on Friday and 322 cars for @Thom !

Since many of us follow along with the progress of Forum member's C8 production, I think it would be nice "in a perfect world" for those interested to get together and have a "C8 Birthday Congratulatory Bash" each time a member takes delivery of his/her C8. We could all "ooh and aaaw" over the new car and admire its well chosen colours and options after (likely) hours of struggling with decisions, all while cracking a bottle of champagne and sharing in a toast to the new car and its owner. I suspect many will find this a hokey thought, however when someone I've been folllowing gets their C8, those are my sentiments. So CONGRATS in advance to both Thom and Cams8!! It won't be too much longer now! Thom and I: :Cheers2:. Cams8 and I: :Cheers2:. :)
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Since many of us follow along with the progress of Forum member's C8 production, I think it would be nice "in a perfect world" for those interested to get together and have a "C8 Birthday Congratulatory Bash" each time a member takes delivery of his/her C8. We could all "ooh and aaaw" over the new car and admire its well chosen colours and options after (likely) hours of struggling with decisions, all while cracking a bottle of champagne and sharing in a toast to the new car and its owner. I suspect many will find this a hokey thought, however when someone I've been folllowing gets their C8, those are my sentiments. So CONGRATS in advance to both Thom and Cams8!! It won't be too much longer now! Thom and I: :Cheers2:. Cams8 and I: :Cheers2:. :)
I'll be right there. How long does it take for C8 to get to Edmonton anyway?
Since many of us follow along with the progress of Forum member's C8 production, I think it would be nice "in a perfect world" for those interested to get together and have a "C8 Birthday Congratulatory Bash" each time a member takes delivery of his/her C8. We could all "ooh and aaaw" over the new car and admire its well chosen colours and options after (likely) hours of struggling with decisions, all while cracking a bottle of champagne and sharing in a toast to the new car and its owner. I suspect many will find this a hokey thought, however when someone I've been folllowing gets their C8, those are my sentiments. So CONGRATS in advance to both Thom and Cams8!! It won't be too much longer now! Thom and I: :Cheers2:. Cams8 and I: :Cheers2:. :)
I'll be right there. How long does it take for C8 to get to Edmonton anyway?

Depending upon your starting point in Ontario, about 30 hours...however when going twice the speed limit all the way in the C8, cut that in half... :).

And congrats to D1J as well: :Cheers2:.
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