Current BG production estimate

There are several MECF members with 3300's now. Some TPW's of December 21 also. Seems weird because I thought they had a 2 week lay over, but maybe not. Maybe only the 24th through the 3rd. I'm hoping to hear from a few Canuks also.
Spencers just informed me that my HTC will be built week of December 16. Andrew is very surprised how fast this order is moving through the system at GM.
Great news! So here is what I have so far for the 2021 schedule.
Almost 35,000 to be built if they switch to 2022's in September and they built at the expected rate of 11.6 cars per hour.

Spencers just informed me that my HTC will be built week of December 16. Andrew is very surprised how fast this order is moving through the system at GM.
December 14th build week you mean. You are looking at a possible vin below 1000! Can't wait for your vin and follow your journey!
Just maybe as they finalized my 2021order a month ago l will have a ride with a vin less that 1000.Maybe just maybe 2021willturn out to be a good year for a lot of us deprived waiting souls . would be nice for a change.
Another possibility....... due to covid / cold & flu season, the lines are likely running with short manpower.
Each station / worker gets 1 ~20 break before and after lunchtime while the line is running. That is done by "relief men".
If station workers "Joe" and "Bob" and "Bubba" have the flu, they stay home. That means 3 "relief men " have to cover the 3 absentees, which in turn means there's nobody left to do reliefs. Therefore, due to contractual obligations, the company MUST shut the line down for those ~20 minutes before and after lunch, losing 40 minutes of production.
Part shortages (even 1 part) results in a plant wide shutdown.
"Yea got one back in Febuary a loaded 3lt for $103K sold it for 145K and used that profit to get my next one at 60K out of my jeans almost a 3lt fully loaded.l will sell that in the future for my #2 on the list Zora..."

This. Bitch. Ya wanna call out. I call out. You type it you own it. Man up...
"Yea got one back in Febuary a loaded 3lt for $103K sold it for 145K and used that profit to get my next one at 60K out of my jeans almost a 3lt fully loaded.l will sell that in the future for my #2 on the list Zora..."

This. Bitch. Ya wanna call out. I call out. You type it you own it. Man up...
you want to man up here is one when a deal comes my way and l got a person with more money than brains l steer that person that way .But only if l make something for my self . l call she says yes l say give me 2$ and l will send you on your way to nirvana. Broker is happy l am happy the new C8 owner is happy. l would have kept it for myself but did not like the color options etc . As for the broker l helped her out l also move boats planes and large industrial equipment and problem things . Sad fact is l have never met you and was starting to think you were OK .l must admit that this site is a goldmine of free info and have met some really cool people (In Person) also. But with every good thing there are people who like me who would rather slug it out in a bar than tapping on a computer screen .When the bells ring in for 2021 l will run down my 200ft driveway naked and shooting off my shotgun knowing that 2020 is over . Covid Sucks Safe Rocky Racoon . BE safe.
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