Aug 19, 2014
Blackfalds, Alberta
2004 Z06
Good day, was just wondering if anyone knows what a person can use that looks good to assist in the transition from the road to the driveway? I have been looking around but can't find anything local to buy to help stop the spoiler scrapeing.
There is a place just north of Morinville that recycles tires and makes a rubber ramp for getting over the curb. Think I paid about $40 a piece for mine. They work fairly well.
My problem is not my driveway but moreso all the other places/streets I drive over in the small towns around here. I've thought about throwing on a roof rack and a set of prortables to use. Maybe for the military minded I should mount a portable bridge on the front of the Z06 for deploying it like current engineering tanks use!!

But no doubt a real issue and even trying to take these approaches at 45' angles doesn't always help.

Some real C6 unfriendly roads in my neck of the woods.

Really though, on my last trip to Edmonton in the morning on a run through some cul-de-sacs I noticed some driveways with these and it sure looked like it flattened out the dips well.


Had that problem some years ago with a previous sports car. Always backin in fixed that problem as the front lip is not forced to the higher part of the driveway at all. When leaving, I was able to angle and not-contact the road.
I unfortunately seem to drag whether I go forward or backwards. Driving at an angle does definately help. I found a local place here in Red Deer that sell what I am looking for. I think I will pick one up and give it a try. I will post some pics and give you guys some feedback on it. Thanks
Bearly Flying. What is the name of that rubber place? I'd like to get a couple of those for my place. I already grind out about 10% of the time and I am ant to lower my car.........
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