For people wanting to see their car get unloaded. I can give you my experience.
There are so many variables that determine when that truck might arrive. You have to be a good detective. We can see when the truck was dispatched from BG on the Jack Cooper Portal, and maybe even figure out if we'll be first off, or last off the truck. If you have a good salesman at your dealership, they can tell you what day they THINK the truck might arrive. Sometimes they are correct, sometimes not. A few weeks back, we went out to Orangville to watch my buddies car arrive. At the time, all we could find out, was 1). The truck was dispatched Friday afternoon. 2). His dealership thought the truck would be in late the NEXT week. 3). When we talked to the other dealerships with cars on that truck, they didn't know anything until Monday morning. Two of the dealerships called me Monday to tell us the they were notified the truck would be arriving today sometime (but not my buddies dealership). His car was last on the list of ten cars, so we mapped out the most likely route the driver would take, and concluded he would be last off the truck which would mean, the end of the day. Armed with that information we all met at my buddies dealership that Monday at around 11am. found a nice shade tree and waited together... 6 feet apart. As the day progressed, we could see from the JC Portal receipts that the cars were being delivered in the order we though. We knew we would be last. As we waited outside, I guess word spread within that dealership that there are 3 nuts outside that think their is a Corvette transport was coming today. At about 4pm that truck arrived among a large group of bewildered dealership employees.
After talking to the driver (great guy) he told us he lives in Michigan and was on a run down in the Bowling green area. They asked him if he would like to take a load back up north with him for his journey home. He did, but being late that Friday afternoon, he stopped half way home to spend the night. Arrived home in Michigan Saturday morning. Monday Morning he left his home in Michigan to deliver the 10 C8's to Canada.
So you never know exactly what the plans are when they deliver those cars, except to say, they are going to maximize everything they can, at that particular time.
If anyone has any other ideas on how to track those trucks, please do share.
Mine should be coming in about a month.