Classic warbirds and other aviation vids.

If God had meant for choppers to fly, He would have given them wings.... lol...That's a direct quote from an old eccentric boss I use to have. As part of my career I was required to go on many aerial inspections of water management issues and I briefly thought of that statement every time I climbed into one...
I will remember that line next time i get in one for a trip offshore, :bawling:
A thousand intricate parts flying in loose formation.

So I have been asked in the past what a helicopter pilot does in the event of an engine failure. Firstly there are worst things that can happen, number 1 being a main rotor gear box failure. You always want the rotors to spin. In essence a helicopter with no power becomes a gyrocopter which tiggers some very specific laws of physics. Point the nose down, allow the rotors to pick up speed (energy) and at the last minute shed all the energy from the blades and touch down at the same time. This is called autorotation. We also joke that auto rotation is something for the pilot to do with his/her hands and feet while they fall to their death.....

When the gear box does not allow the rotors to spin as in a gear box failure, well you get the jist.....Nothing left to do with hands and feet.
A gearbox failure caused a crash in Newfoundland's offshore 12 years ago on the 12th March. Cougar flight 491 was returning to St. John's when the gearbox basically came apart at about 800ft. 😥

There was one survivor.
NASCAR Great Davey Allison survived this wreck...


He did not survive this however...
That rings so close to Was fishing on Winifred Lake just on the edge of Cold Lake Air weapons range during Maple Flag. Gorgeous day... sunny... calm water. We were pretty relaxed until 2 F-18s came out of nowhere at treetop level and flew right over us. I saw them coming just before and ducked but when they blew over us my buddy almost fell out of the boat...and then came the gigantic double BOOM BOOM.... Holy $hit...... Was talking to the lodge owner about it when we got back and he said they aren't suppose to break the sound barrier outside of the range boundaries but often do as the lake is right on the edge. He mentioned that he has had his big plate glass window in the lodge broken several times... They pay for it without question. Maple Flag was a great show watching aircraft from allover playing games... Was on that lake for four different years at the same time.
Why yes they do

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