Featured CCF WEST-FEST 2018... Aug 3, 2018.

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Great turnout and great location! Graham you may have to recruit a few more neighbors areas for parking next year as I tihnk you started something. Many smiles in the pics and yes that is a beautiful C1!!
Hey @nascar03 … this is an action packed Summer this year and I already regret not being able to make it to YVR on my girls' road trip that had them returning Aug5th. Curious, as I align next year's college reconnaissance, would you be tempted for the first weekend of Aug (the 3rd - a long weekend) or the second (the 10th)? As the BG Caravan will most likely be the focus of many, I am making a list of options that should not be missed. I realize the gathering on Friday before the date is most important :thumbs:
Whenever Ziggy is heading out for the Olde Tyme Drags here at Mission.
We will work around his visit. Either a couple of days before or after the drags.

Or we can have TWO WEST-FESTS..,! I’m up for that!

Awesome … and promising … Mission appears to be first weekend of August each year :thumbs:
and I see by this year's photo that you may need another Red one on your's or your neighbour's lawn …
but will work on bringing something almost blue too. Maybe a few more in tow :joyful: ...
(as I know Murray hinted about a visit sometime next year too - which will also be on my 2019 list).

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