
Power User
Feb 28, 2011
North of Canada
2008m vert
This is a little bit of a passion of mine .In Maine when we renew our drivers licences we have the option of checking off an origin donor box .If I die in a 50 car pile up and someone looks in my blood soaked wallet they will know I'm free for the pickin .

Do they have a program in Canada for used body parts?
This is a little bit of a passion of mine .In Maine when we renew our drivers licences we have the option of checking off an origin donor box .If I die in a 50 car pile up and someone looks in my blood soaked wallet they will know I'm free for the pickin .

Do they have a program in Canada for used body parts?

Yup, most don't agree to donate... they are trying to change that with some news stories recently.

Thanks Brian ,some states want to make it mandatory and I don't think that is right .I look at it as the last gift I can give .

When I was in getting my drivers licence renewed the nice lady indicated that a large percentage here don't check off the box to donate either.

Always interested in how Canada handles things.
Alberta is instituting an online registration website for signing your donor card. I don't know all the details yet and it sounds like there's still a paper form to send in.
I'm a transplant recipient and know too well how much of a difference a transplant can make in someones life. It truly "gives life." More awareness is needed. My card is signed, if I for some reason go, I sure can't take the parts with me so someone should have the chance to be productive with them!
Agreed. I'm signed up for being a donor cause I won't be needing any of it anymore. I feel bad for the poor sucker that gets my brain. :rofl:

I know they don't transplant brains......but by the time I die they might!
A friend's daughter had a heart transplant as an infant. She's in her early 20s now. I asked him what part of me would be any good at my age, almost 68. Apparently, skin is a big demand item that no one thinks of. Even with us old farts, we are still a little bit useful.
Yes Keith us old buggers can contribute .I think it will be interesting who will end up with my 36 inch penis ?

The state revoked my commercial driving licence because my blood sugar was off by one point .I had to get my general licence renewed and I talked to the nice lady about what it meant to me that I might be able to help someone else .She stamped my licence class "A" and said that is my gift to you .

Again I don't think it should be mandatory like is being proposed in some places .It should be a gift from the heart .
I am a donor, it is on my license and my hospitalization card. This is a conversation that touches very close to home, I need a double lung transplant. Not sure what system works the best (opting in or out) but the current one in Ontario does not work so well. Many are in need, some suffering needlessly. I saw a five year old boy on TV last week who needs lungs urgently, broke my heart to see the little guy struggling for breath.
They can take anything they want from me when I don't need it any more. We don't have enough donors. Maybe part of the problem is they have to ask the permission of the family of the deceased at the worst possible time. If you want to donate make sure your family are aware of your wishes.
I'm with Laticsfan on this one. If some SOB who is still alive can take advantage of this SOB's organs etc. I figure go for it. My gf has her card signed and I need to check if mine is signed. But more so for me I need to see if I can still do this after having had cancer. It seems to me that while I was once a blood doner I can't donate blood any more and that could also apply to organs as well. I think that even if I had some sort of slow acting cancer if any of my organs could extend someones life they should use them but they make look at it from the point of view (sadly) as the cost of the operation vs. using less than top of the line organs. Sadly it may not be considered cost effective.

And yes, letting your family/doctor know this is the case is important. Time on this matters is crutial so you don't want to be surprising people with this sort of news.

Think about it. If that was your parent, spouse, child, friend or whatever, and they were on death's door waiting for an organ transplant of somekind, wouldn't you be wondering what the hell was wrong with people who had died but didn't sign their card??

Lets face it, we do it with things like cars if it is possible, wreckers pull parts to keep other cars going, so if we'd be happy with doing that is it so hard to make the jump to this being OK with people, religious objections aside?

Oddly while not making one immortal, it would be OK to have part of me carrying on after the rest of me had stopped! Maybe I'd end up in a fellow Corvette driver!!!!


Alberta is instituting an online registration website for signing your donor card. I don't know all the details yet and it sounds like there's still a paper form to send in.
I'm a transplant recipient and know too well how much of a difference a transplant can make in someones life. It truly "gives life." More awareness is needed. My card is signed, if I for some reason go, I sure can't take the parts with me so someone should have the chance to be productive with them!

Curious to know what part you got donated, but understand if its too personal!

When I was working in Calgary, there was a gentleman who worked a shoeshine booth near my office. He had a kidney transplant. He's as well as ever today! The amazing thing was hearing his story, as it was one of his regular customers that donated his kidney to him. That's an amazing story of generosity and humanity IMO.

Anyways, glad to here about the online thing. I signed a card years back, but do not remember what my status is now. I'd register online if it was an option!
Hey Vince, I had three islet cell transplants. I was a Diabetic for 37 years. I'm now insulin feel and feel 30 again. The transplant was pioneered here in Edmonton and is known as the Edmonton Protocol. It's truly amazing! I'm back to a non medical license for 5 years. Always had a year by year license with medical.

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Yes Keith us old buggers can contribute .I think it will be interesting who will end up with my 36 inch penis ?

The state revoked my commercial driving licence because my blood sugar was off by one point .I had to get my general licence renewed and I talked to the nice lady about what it meant to me that I might be able to help someone else .She stamped my licence class "A" and said that is my gift to you .

Again I don't think it should be mandatory like is being proposed in some places .It should be a gift from the heart .

if you really had a 36 inch penis you name would NOT be elf,google elmo for the penis museum the wife watched it on tv last month


elmo and the penis museum in iceland - Bing
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Hey Vince, I had three islet cell transplants. I was a Diabetic for 37 years. I'm now insulin feel and feel 30 again. The transplant was pioneered here in Edmonton and is known as the Edmonton Protocol. It's truly amazing! I'm back to a non medical license for 5 years. Always had a year by year license with medical.

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Very interesting ,I'm not on insulin but I am on Med's .I have a doctors appointment at 10 this morning and I'm going to quizz my Doc ..

Very Interesting ,all kinds of great information on this forum .
glad you have a sense of humour Elf I worried about that post last night

thanks for your understanding at my feeble attempt at a little humour

Never a problem here us Elves are mischievous by nature :D

There are some nice posts here and I'm glad to read that Canada has a program for used body parts .Remember when ya get to the pearly gates ya get points for being a donor .
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