Camaro Z28 Question

When I am on a twisty mountain road and totally ignore the corner approaching and suggested speed signs, again... the smile is worth whatever the cost.... :thumbs:

And the Messiah has spoken !! Blessed be the Z06 owner and the road ahead.
Somebody needs to decorate those trees.

Like the picture Mike:thumbs:
I kind of like the originals more..... Some retro stylings remind me of those cartoon portraits you get at fairs, etc. Talking the mini "cooper", etc. I've liked Camaros since elementary school. Started in 1976/7 school year. Soft spot for the late 1970's Z28......... I'm conservative in that you could get a Corvette new under $30k back in the 1980's. I think its crazy that some cars that could be fully loaded and under $30k are now $100k vehicles. I bought my uncles 1977 Ford F250 4X4 cheap. He bought it new under $5k. Now a loaded F250 touches the $100k barrier. Something wrong about that! Not taxes, etc.......
I kind of like the originals more..... Some retro stylings remind me of those cartoon portraits you get at fairs, etc. Talking the mini "cooper", etc. I've liked Camaros since elementary school. Started in 1976/7 school year. Soft spot for the late 1970's Z28......... I'm conservative in that you could get a Corvette new under $30k back in the 1980's. I think its crazy that some cars that could be fully loaded and under $30k are now $100k vehicles. I bought my uncles 1977 Ford F250 4X4 cheap. He bought it new under $5k. Now a loaded F250 touches the $100k barrier. Something wrong about that! Not taxes, etc.......
I hate to consider myself old enough to say so ....
Consider the price of a bottle of pop, chocolate bar, bubble gum ... etc ...
and since the 70's, you will find that little has changed with those commodities but the price has rocketed.
At least the automobile has had many, many goodies added along the way ...
(although not sure about the Fords though - as a GM guy, I'll just agree with you that nothing has improved for $100k Ford ;))
OK... I'm going back to my rocking chair and this typewriter-board-with-TV thingy that I'm using for this reply ....
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gymrat. I have driven the Camaro SS 425 hp and the Camaro ZL1 580 hp and as much as I could close my eyes and imagine these were either of my Corvettes with just a different skin, it just wouldn't happen. And trust me, I've been asked by both owners how they compared to either my C6 or my C7. Not to dis Camaros but the camaro is just not a Corvette and maybe I sound like a purist but face it. This is a Corvette forum and we LOVE our Vettes.

As far as the additional power goes, We are way beyond having power that 'some' owners will never take advantage of. My MDX has more power than my wife ever uses. That being said, I use every bit of the power in my Corvette lots (and in her MDX occasionally And I am not a track person. But when I turn my Stingray onto the highway, I quite often punch the go pedal.... Do my 0 to 100 in under 4 seconds.... back off the gas when I reach 140 ? or so.... but never back off of the smile that doing that puts on my face...
When I need to pass a car and drop 3 gears and punch the pedal.... again I'm using all the power I have at my disposal, if only for a few brief seconds... When I am on a twisty mountain road and totally ignore the corner approaching and suggested speed signs, again... the smile is worth whatever the cost.... All these things, plus the head turns every time I drive my car assures me I made the right decision....

Don't be terrified of these monsters no matter what the horsepower... They are only as dangerous as the linkage between the seat and the gas pedal.... But they are as much, and more fun than you can imagine.... JMO of course... :thumbs:
Yup, Nicely put.
I still sometimes smoke cigarettes. Two packs was $21.66 the other day. A $20 lasted me all week in the 1980's. I'm sort of boycotting new vehicles except my truck. On trucks I'm a Ford guy. Their cars not so much!
I still sometimes smoke cigarettes. Two packs was $21.66 the other day. A $20 lasted me all week in the 1980's. I'm sort of boycotting new vehicles except my truck. On trucks I'm a Ford guy. Their cars not so much!
boycott the smokes (heavily taxed & healthier), and buy yourself a Corvette -
and you'll soon be thinking just like the rest of us on the days that you have to drive the truck.
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I still sometimes smoke cigarettes. Two packs was $21.66 the other day. A $20 lasted me all week in the 1980's. I'm sort of boycotting new vehicles except my truck. On trucks I'm a Ford guy. Their cars not so much!
You don't sound like you are suffering from any strain of Vette Fever.
I'm addicted and its one vehicle I miss is my 85 Corvette............ I do struggle with Porsche resistance is futile...... But test a new Corvette in 08 really got me wanting another Corvette.......
Completely understood and agreed and I am sure that everyone in this forum is wishing for and looking forward to
your "words" of relapse into Corvette Ownership ... for when it happens ... Cheers & Good Fortune
Thanks..... For right now just discovered Sergeant Preston is on my Direct TV...... I'll earn more police goodwill now and hopefully name dropping their co-workers will keep my zero tickets in BC streak!
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