Hi, I drove my 2024 home early December (Mississauga) and parked it since. My insurance policy with Aviva (through a broker) has 4 year depreciation waiver, but I’m now considering agreed value insurance (seems Hagerty has an affiliation with Aviva). I’m awaiting more from my broker, and a quick online quote through Hagerty website put my cursory car value of $105k (pre tax) agreed value at around $2k per year premium (no seasonal insurance) vs around $1200 per year current policy if I drove all seasons. My questions are 1) can I still buy $105k worth of insurance 4 years from now (or will it be assessed as a used car something much less) and 2) will the payout be $105k say 8 years from now if there is a total loss assuming I don’t break the policy? Any other experience with these agreed value policies?