Each person's taste is something completely different and so it's been stated here. I'm not a fan of wings that have no function so something a bit smaller but not stock is what I'd lean towards. The graphics are very personal to every one of us.
@Tango I love your comment about "if the car was metallic orange I wouldn't add any graphics", note my car. Haha. So with that how about a graphic in metallic orange? It sounds like you love the color, could get exactly what you want, then suggest working with a shop to get something you love that accentuates the car and make it look as nasty as you can imagine. My two cents is do the calipers and accent the interior in the orange as well. Working with a shop and people who do it for a living could help you see options you hadn't even considered! My opinion for what it worth. good luck with your car and enjoy it, springs coming, soon..................
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