Apr 30, 2012
2005 C6 1SB
What people see as a C7 not putting down the numbers, is nothing more than GM, through the onboard computer, doing a soft break in. The company is protecting the car and itself from those who would take out a brand new car and beat the crap out of it. Some people should never be allowed in the driver's seat of a performance car.
2015 Z06 ECU Problem is Not Really a Problem - Chevy Hardcore
What people see as a C7 not putting down the numbers, is nothing more than GM, through the onboard computer, doing a soft break in. The company is protecting the car and itself from those who would take out a brand new car and beat the crap out of it. Some people should never be allowed in the driver's seat of a performance car.
2015 Z06 ECU Problem is Not Really a Problem - Chevy Hardcore

Sorry but that is not true. I have been following the other forum on this issue. It looks like GM put in a soft tune to protect the engine for warranty purposes. The car is NOT going to magically gain a few hundred HP after break in. This is nothing but wishful thinking by a lot of owners. If GM had really added software to the engine computer that would unleash a more powerful engine it would be documented in the owners manual. It is not. Also there is a tuner on the other forum that looked at the engine control software and said there is NOTHING in the software that is going to change the tune after break in. The reality is becoming that the C7 Z06 has been hyped by GM as being "the most capable track car" but this is only true if you get it tuned and therefore lose your warranty. It is also looking like a stock ZR1 or C6 Z06 may perform just as well as the new C7 Z06. I think GM has to go back to the drawing board and work out the bugs on this model or start offering massive discounts. There is a lot of negative perception with the C7 Z06 at this time.
So we have our first resident thread basher here at CCF and it just so happens to be one that cannot get his hands on a Z06. GMs marketing of the Z06 is borderline brilliant and not false in any wayshape or form. Their initial specs were only upgraded AFTER new highs had been reached and this is what everyone does regardless of the technology. Your statement above is tantamount to saying that cars do not run better after a sufficient breakin has taken place? You are saying that GM is lying to you with respect to what they are saying regarding their tuning? Lastly, nobody out there has yet questioned the fact that the C7 Z06 just may be the most capable production model track car, only that it has been beat in a straight line.

Let's do this before you hop thread to thread doing nothing but bashing, let's provide links that allow a ameaningful conversation. Fair enough? You are making a statement out to be a fact because you have formed an opinion from another forum that something isn't true...

EDIT: Let me be very clear that I do think GM may have made a mistake in not marketing the Z06 a bit better to those true track guys. They could have been very clear in explaining ECU settings and that the advertised HP would be reached in the alteration of these settings, which by the way would void warranty. I don't think it is right that they weren't as clear, but then again, initial specs were only updated in GMs haste after all jumped on the 'Z06 is great' bandwagon. They should never have done that. I also dont think that clarity would have lost any sales whatsoever.

In fact, could you imaging if they would have marketed the car with the few physical components and ECU changes that could be purchased as a separate premium installable package bringing the HP ABOVE 650? That would have been the smart move here; everyone would then have been hollaring 670HP rather than 650.
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AllFlash, Let me just say I can understand that since you are getting one you would not be apt to be critical of your purchase. Thats just the way it is. But it is stacking up that the car can't handle cars like the Viper. And I am sure there will be others. I am sure you frequent the other forum. Don't like what you are seeing I bet. I don't understand why there are so many GM apologists out there. GM is not exactly an above board company. Remember the ignition switch debacle ? Their marketing guys were not being honest saying "most capable track car ever". I think eventually the Z06 may be a capable performer. But as it stands now the 2015 Z06 is a turning out to be turd. Maybe I am lucky I can't get one. I would be trading it in and suffering a huge loss. That does not make me a basher like you say but does make me a realist.
You are dead on with respect to GM history and the ignition debacle. I have no prob with that. As well, I may have an allocation but that doesn't change common sense when i read just about every article there is on this car. I take the bad with the good. It all gets looked at here and, right now, there is a mass of bashers who go on and on and on...as yourself... and fail to mention the whole story, or more importantly, look at all the vehicles features rather than a simple Viper video. And of course there would be; there is a TON of interest in this car and it has already been credited with being one of the best built to date...by many outside GM.

Dude... when you join the site and EVERY post you have made is negative; what else can be seen?

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You are dead on with respect to GM history and the ignition debacle. I have no prob with that. As well, I may have an allocation but that doesn't change common sense when i read just about every article there is on this car. I take the bad with the good. It all gets looked at here and, right now, there is a mass of bashers who go on and on and on...as yourself... and fail to mention the whole story, or more importantly, look at all the vehicles features rather than a simple Viper video. And of course there would be; there is a TON of interest in this car and it has already been credited with being one of the best built to date...by many outside GM.

Dude... when you join the site and EVERY post you have made is negative; what else can be seen?


I joined the site because I was interested in getting a C7 Z06. I joined to see what other people were thinking about the car but in reality this site has a small audience due to the number of cars coming to Canada. I was not crazy about the supercharged engine in the C7 Z06. Of course GM took the easy way out and slapped a supercharger on the existing LT1 to create the LT4. Watch as the problems with this engine become apparent after spirited driving. It is already happening. I pity those poor track fanatics that take the expense to get a tune to give the car the potential it needs while GM watches in the wings to deny any warranty coverage to the car. This is going to be an expensive lesson to the Z06 beta testers.

Your remark about this being the "best built to date" is certainly dubious. The 2014 C7 had orange peel and so does the 2015 models including the expensive Z06. The leather seats are not being stretched on the seat frames and the leather is sagging and wrinkling like an old goat. Yes this is great quality. I hope that when and if you get your car that you are honest enough to tell us about your paint and seats. The problem as I see it is there are far too many Corvette fanatics that will accept crappy quality from the factory. GM knows this and since this is a new model they have no incentive to up the quality since sales are good. However the downward slide is starting and they will have to address the quality issues. The largest Corvette dealer in the US is already offering huge discounts on the C7. It won't be long before the Z06 is discounted when they sit unsold on the dealer lots. Then they will also start to appear on the resale lots when anxious owners dump them and move on to the new and improved Z06 after GM hikes up its trousers and makes the necessary changes. Yes it is unfoturnate and I truly wanted one but now after all the negative attention that is starting to be reported I think I dodged a bullet. Its is sad that $100K is a lot to spend on a car that has serious intentions but falls flat.
First off, let me say that if anyone has issues with other's posts, report them to me and I'll take care of them. I apologize to all our members reading this post from me as this is part of moderating that I do not like but I have a couple point to clarify.

1. I am NOT going to allow this forum to slide into what is found in the southern forum where threads turn into a "who knows more" thread as opposed to being about the vehicle/subject at hand. If you want to do that, there is another forum for that sort of banter.
2. There are some instigators on this site. You get it on all sites. If you find what someone is saying is unfair/rude or if you believe someone is trolling, please let me know and I will either watch them more closely or talk with them. Try not to react but I know that can be difficult to do. Report them, ignore their posts and continue on topic.
3. Opinions are allowed, bashing is not. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL WHEN REPLYING TO OTHERS POSTS. We have a great site with great members and I know we want to keep it that way.

Can we please continue this thread on topic?
My personal opinion about the break in is that this could be true, but I don't understand why GM would need to do this. I also don't understand why GM would need to detune this engine. The Z06 only makes 12hp and 46 lb-ft of torque more than the LS9. I can't see this extra power causing a whole bunch of issues the drivetrain to the point to where they would need to detune? However, I could see them doing a detune for a break in period.
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.

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