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C6 Z06 Vararam post install engine light is on!

As well I should also add that while the air sensor was fastened into the original plastic body I could see it deflecting and sealing properly. But there was no gasket or anything to ensure a total seal between the air sensor and the billet housing which of course will not deform when tightened. I could see this also as being a source of an air leak.....

OK, now how is this for a mystery.

Connect the OBD2.

The OBD2 powers up, displays the car icon.

Turn on ignition but don't start car - so with this keyless jobby I assume that means have the FOB with you, hit the start button but don't step on the clutch, right?

Hit the connect button on the OBD2, it connects, tells me there are ZERO error codes.

Disconnect the OBD2, start car, engine light still on!


I did also confirm that sensor arrow is facing toward the car, yes it is.

Re-read VARARAM instructions, they talk about using two sets of washers on the screws supplied to fasten the air sensor, one agaist the head of the screw and the other between the sensor and the billet housing. I only have one on the screw side as it did not come with four washers. Now using washers between the sensor and billet housing would result in the sensor moving the thickness of the washer out of the airflow inside the billet housing but I can't imagine that is so critical. But I will see if I can find the original screws and if there are two washers there to use.

The red couplers and hose clamps look solid.

But the PCV valve is something I'm not happy about. The stock corrigated rubber body that the PCV valve fits into had a much more solid fitting to go into than the simple hole cut through the red coupler, the original one almost has a more grommet like appendage for the PCV valve and I worried about how well the PCV valve was going to fit/seal into red coupler. Could this be a source of air leaking as it is simply a barbed fitting??

But why doesn't the OBD2 download any error codes???????

Off to look for washers.



The barred fitting is fine not the source nor is the the fact that you only used single washers . Like I said it is looking more like , its unrelated to the Vararam . Just timing made it look like it . I would take it to your local dealer . Just don't say anthing about the Vararam . If they think you installed an aftermarket part , they will try and blame it on that .
Good evening Manny,

Another field combined, three left to go. We'll try another one tomorrow.

Any idea why I can't get an error code from the OBD2 reader?? Why would the CEL come on but the OBD2 reader tell me there are no errors?

I do agree with the possibility it might be something unrelated to the Vararam. If it was, would it most likely be something leaking between the meter and the front of the throttle body? If it was between the meter and the air filter say then it would measure any excess airflow going into the engine caused by a leak. But if the leak was between the air meter and the throttle body then the meter woudl not be measuring it and would then not be applying enough fuel for the volume of air being drawn into the cylinders thus why it would be running leaner.

I think that I would tell the dealer that I was ignorant and that is how the car came when I bought it. Mom always says in a situation like that to play dumb. Of course they might just say the fault is with the Vararam and might not be willing to consider any other source of the CEL being on..........


What a roller coaster! I'm enjoying this thread only because of the suspense! Not because you are having a problem with your car (I know I'm weird). Don't worry too much, you'll have this issue solved soon and be blazing a trail back home before you know it! Best of luck with the remaining fields! I can't wait to hear what is causing you so much frustration and to hear about it being solved!
No problem Riley. I mean of course there are two reasons to post, one to get help and the other to help others. And if in the process it happens to make people laugh then that is an unexpected bonus!

But no updates from yesterday. All day farm work and putting air in my new grain truck was an exercise in torture. Only 10 of them but the duals are miserable to do, the valve stem is so hard to get at and the air chuck does not easily want to stay on which means you have to hold it on. The hard part is that the recommended tire pressure is 110 to 120 psi which sort of scares me actually, but the air compressor only normally makes a mximum of 120 psi - but it only will start up again once the pressure had dropped to 80 psi at the tank. So I decided to put 90 psi in the tires to start with and see how it handles, but when I am getting close to 85 or 90 in the tire and the tank pressure drops to below 90 it takes such a long time. So I go and blow chaff out of the radiator and then the tank pressure drops and I run back to start filling tires again trying to keep the pressure as close to but below 120 psi so the compressor doesn't stop but I can put my 90 psi in the tires. Some fun, eh!

But God I really do love to be a grain farmer..........

Another side note on the Vararam installation. I've read threads and people have commented about not getting the red couples to seal properly. I realized that this would be a challenge from the get go so what I did for this was to attach the lower/very front "scoop" part of the Vararam, the one you need to cut the shroud out to install.

Then I clipped the part that actually contains the filter.

Next I attached the two red couplers with their hose clamps and tightened them to the billet MAF and plugged in the barbed PCV valve then installed the air sensor which was a beautiful shiny sliver I might add.

Then I fastened this assembly first to the throttle body so I could make sure it iwas on as far as I could get it and then tightened its hose clamp.

Then I fit on the plastic housing with the air filter to the front red coupler, and this was a bit of a struggle as it could have all been an inch longer in my opinion, plus this plastic piece is increasing in diameter the more you push it into the red coupler which means it will have a natural tendancey to try to come off, then tightened this hose clamp, connected the hose with the spring clip to the PCV fitting and then the wire connector to the air sensor and pushed it's clip back into place.

So I think my procedure was solid.

But this morning, since it rained 1/4" about two hours ago, will be to do some paperwork for a project I'm helping a post-graduate student from the U. of Manitoba on "stripper headers" (don't laugh, Google it as it is wonderful crop management!). This will give the driveway a chance to dry out and then I am going to give it a once more look over and start it up and commence my 200 km period and if the light comes on again sadly go and get screwed by my Chev dealer...........

I still am disappointed that my OBD2 code reader couldn't pull a code from the car though. I just have no luck sometimes!


Sounds like quite a chore putting air in the tires! 90psi is fine...as long as you don't have to drive on the highway for too long or keep the speed down (I drove vac truck with programmable tire inflation for a while and you could deflate the tires to 40 psi for really soft fields....but you also were recommended to stay under 20 km/h or something like that!)

Too bad you can't pull the codes right off the display in a C6 like you can in a C5.
As much as it may make me sound like a pansy, my arms were so sore that it kept me up during the night. I need to find a better quality air chuck that will hold itself securily on the valve stem in a wide variety of different positions as well as an air valve that I can set the pressure for so I can just leave it alone for 5 minutes while I do something else.

Ya, I remember 1st reading about some military vehicles that you could release and add air to for different terrain situations and thinking about how funky that was!

I think for grain hauling and one way trips no longer than 6 to 7 miles I'm good.

I was reading that you could do that with the C5's and thought why did they drop that with the C6's!

Off to go swimming with my son and his grade 2 class, more time for the driveway to dry and then the sun is breaking now and so I should be under the hood of the Z06 in about 3 hours........

Lets hope for a better outcome this time!


I would have to agree about a clip on chuck with a regulator! That would suck having to hold it of the valve for so long!

My guess is GM dropped pulling the codes from the DIC to get people back to the dealerships?

Have fun swimming! Try to not use your arms too much so you can save them for driving your car!
No problem Riley. I mean of course there are two reasons to post, one to get help and the other to help others. And if in the process it happens to make people laugh then that is an unexpected bonus!

But no updates from yesterday. All day farm work and putting air in my new grain truck was an exercise in torture. Only 10 of them but the duals are miserable to do, the valve stem is so hard to get at and the air chuck does not easily want to stay on which means you have to hold it on. The hard part is that the recommended tire pressure is 110 to 120 psi which sort of scares me actually, but the air compressor only normally makes a mximum of 120 psi - but it only will start up again once the pressure had dropped to 80 psi at the tank. So I decided to put 90 psi in the tires to start with and see how it handles, but when I am getting close to 85 or 90 in the tire and the tank pressure drops to below 90 it takes such a long time. So I go and blow chaff out of the radiator and then the tank pressure drops and I run back to start filling tires again trying to keep the pressure as close to but below 120 psi so the compressor doesn't stop but I can put my 90 psi in the tires. Some fun, eh!

But God I really do love to be a grain farmer..........

Another side note on the Vararam installation. I've read threads and people have commented about not getting the red couples to seal properly. I realized that this would be a challenge from the get go so what I did for this was to attach the lower/very front "scoop" part of the Vararam, the one you need to cut the shroud out to install.

Then I clipped the part that actually contains the filter.

Next I attached the two red couplers with their hose clamps and tightened them to the billet MAF and plugged in the barbed PCV valve then installed the air sensor which was a beautiful shiny sliver I might add.

Then I fastened this assembly first to the throttle body so I could make sure it iwas on as far as I could get it and then tightened its hose clamp.

Then I fit on the plastic housing with the air filter to the front red coupler, and this was a bit of a struggle as it could have all been an inch longer in my opinion, plus this plastic piece is increasing in diameter the more you push it into the red coupler which means it will have a natural tendancey to try to come off, then tightened this hose clamp, connected the hose with the spring clip to the PCV fitting and then the wire connector to the air sensor and pushed it's clip back into place.

So I think my procedure was solid.

But this morning, since it rained 1/4" about two hours ago, will be to do some paperwork for a project I'm helping a post-graduate student from the U. of Manitoba on "stripper headers" (don't laugh, Google it as it is wonderful crop management!). This will give the driveway a chance to dry out and then I am going to give it a once more look over and start it up and commence my 200 km period and if the light comes on again sadly go and get screwed by my Chev dealer...........

I still am disappointed that my OBD2 code reader couldn't pull a code from the car though. I just have no luck sometimes!



Did you reset the Check engine light with the code reader?

The reason I ask is that the actual problem may have cleared itself or been fixed, but the light may take several cycles of - Ignition Off and On, and driving cycles to clear.

If your reader won't allow code and light clearing I believe disconnecting the battery for a while will clear the light too.

I also believe that some minor issues with the engine can trigger a check engine light but not be serious enough to throw a code.
In this case, as I said, the code won't be there but the light will stay on for several cycles b4 it is allowed to clear.

One more thought that in that scenario of a light being triggered but no Code, I'm thinking it's possible that a code will eventually be triggered and then be present to be read with your reader if no changes are made and the minor issue persists.

Just some random thoughts.

Swimming was a tremendous amount of fun! Working on the car did not occur though. GF came home and I had recieved the draft of our cohabitation agreement from my lawyer. My ex and I had a pre-nup that we wrote ourselves prior to getting married but silly me was only made aware after she left me that the laws vary provincially on self made pre-nups and in Alberta you need "independent legal advice" for a lawyer to tell you what the document you both wrote just means! So of course my ex said she had no idea what she had signed etc. so it became an "unenforceable contract" and cost me a ZR1's price in the end. There's a lesson here people. So while I don't intend to ever get married again I am getting a lawyer written up cohabitation agreement and my gf and I are getting independent legal advice. I do tend to learn my lessons and like with the coded reader readily discuss them so others don't have to stumble and fall where I have. But while I discussed this with my gf prior to her being able to move in and she was fine with it as signature day approaches like last night there were tears and the "you'll never trust me" sobs. Maintain your course and don't waver. It is actually protection equally for both partners, basically a "I get nothing from you, you get nothing from me" unless you can prove you paid in cash for it". No sweat equity.

But I digress.

Yes Colin, I talked with Manny yesterday about the oddity of there being an CEL on but the code reader not showing an error code and he said that there are some error codes that apparently my OBD2 will not download and that I need to take it to a dealer.

So I did disconenct the battery last time to re-set everything and did hook up the wires and double checked the hose clamps and made sure that all the hoses were attached properly and so now it will be a case of starting it up and driving it and seeing if and when the CEL comes on again and then off to the dealer to see what they can tell me on the matter...............

I find these two points of yours most interesting:

"I also believe that some minor issues with the engine can trigger a check engine light but not be serious enough to throw a code. In this case, as I said, the code won't be there but the light will stay on for several cycles b4 it is allowed to clear.

One more thought that in that scenario of a light being triggered but no Code, I'm thinking it's possible that a code will eventually be triggered and then be present to be read with your reader if no changes are made and the minor issue persists."

So we'll see where it goes from here, hope to do some driving today.........


A faint hope on the horizon.

I've been reading about the loose gas cap and CEL issue for a while now and while I an generally always certain to make sure the cap is tight I started having doubts. So when I went walking this morning I took the FOB with me and popped the cap. You know, I'm not sure that the cap was tight!

By coincidence, the last time I filled the car was the night I was going out for my Vararam test drive, my gf was with me and I'd forgotten my wallet in the excitement and had to borrow $ from her. She confirmed that was indeed the night I last got gas.

I've cleared the CEL two days ago but have not driven the car since - too depressed with the CEL light issue!

So my question to those with more experience than I, it seemed that the 1st time the CEL came on was after 10 km, the 2nd time was after 100 km.


Unfortunately it is like a London Jack the Ripper fog out here so it won't be until closer to supper when I get back from the farm and it is clear out to go for a drive, but if any of you have experience with the gas cap/CEL issue, how soon did the light come on?

And also, if the gas cap is the issue, will it give a code for my OBD2 to download or does the CEL light just come on?

I have hope for the 1st time!!!!


Not been on all day and just now on the way out for wife's 39th birthday celeb.(;)) but will be back later this eve and answer up then.

Sounds like you might on to something there with the gas cap -- they do not tighten very much at the best of times, and may be faulty to boot.

More soon,

From what I know, the engine light would come on,right away, if the gas
cap was not on properly. The cap plus the other exhaust sensors all trigger
the same engine light response. When I had engine light come on, the first
thing the mechanic did was to check the cap. He then went on to check the
other sensors. [ one of which was mal-functioning]

Hope this helps,
Tony, welland
Good evening Colin and Tony,

Yes, sadly others have told me that the gas cap generates an immediate CEL. But as always I live in hope.

69 km tonight without the CEl coming on so who knows.

However Tony that is a very interesting experience that you had that I never even considered - could it be a malfunctioning sensor of some kind? A heck of a better outcome that actually having a legit problem of some kind! Sadly that will require a trip to the dealer and then a reduction in my bank account but it would solve one real problem I'm having right now..........


Wow, this driving while keeping the engine below 2000 rpm is tough. It is like the car is taunting me, "WOT, WOT, WOT! Come on you know you want to!" And do I ever!

But it is helping me be more responsible. I think yesterday two cars were racing between Edmonton and Calgary, one the clocked at 214 km/hr, he stopped, his vehile was seized of course and now they are trying to track down the other car........

With a car that can reach 250 km/hr in maybe 18 seconds (?) it doesn't take a loss of focus and WOT in 4th gear to get into that sort of area.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Hope you had a fun b'day party Colin! Did you get the car all shined up to show her (your wife silly!) off??


Good evening Tony and Colin??? Is there someone else missing in your list?:D

Well, I too was hoping it was your gas cap. Crap. At least your light has not come on yet (knock on wood).

Funny, hearing that the one car was going 214km/h, all I can think is, that's it?:rofl: Totally not the right response. It's just that these cars as so fast! I know mine seems like the acceleration won't stop and it kind of scares me, I can't imagine what a C6Z feels like!
Good evening Colin and Tony,

Yes, sadly others have told me that the gas cap generates an immediate CEL. But as always I live in hope.

69 km tonight without the CEl coming on so who knows.

However Tony that is a very interesting experience that you had that I never even considered - could it be a malfunctioning sensor of some kind? A heck of a better outcome that actually having a legit problem of some kind! Sadly that will require a trip to the dealer and then a reduction in my bank account but it would solve one real problem I'm having right now..........


Wow, this driving while keeping the engine below 2000 rpm is tough. It is like the car is taunting me, "WOT, WOT, WOT! Come on you know you want to!" And do I ever!

But it is helping me be more responsible. I think yesterday two cars were racing between Edmonton and Calgary, one the clocked at 214 km/hr, he stopped, his vehile was seized of course and now they are trying to track down the other car........

With a car that can reach 250 km/hr in maybe 18 seconds (?) it doesn't take a loss of focus and WOT in 4th gear to get into that sort of area.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Hope you had a fun b'day party Colin! Did you get the car all shined up to show her (your wife silly!) off??



Evenin' back at ya there Garry ----- We had a wonderful time at a local restaurant called the CAmbridge Mill ..... It's quite new and came highly recommended and was a delight. Margaret really enjoyed the evening (so far:D) and we can't wait to go back with friends and family (after the pocketbook is replenished somewhat)......:D

Yes the car was in pristine condish (as was I) and we arrived in style.
She'll be delighted to know you were asking about the evening.:D

LOL about "DRIVING LIKE COLIN" -- even Colin doesn't like driving like Colin so Colin doesn't drive like Colin either and Manny knows that the little beggar.
He was just miffed cuz I wouldn't do a smoley burnout in front of his shop the other day..............I told him I would if he'd buy the next set of rubber...
He declined so I left fairly quietly............
I'm going back for some EBC low dust brake pads next week so I'll make the offer again (with camera in hand) -- I'll let you know what happens...:driving:

As far as the rest of my driving -- well let's just say I have my share of 'fun'. Mayby not quite as much fun as you younger crowd but enough to keep my ticker ticking over in a healthy fashion .:)

Sounds like the CEL isn't coming back any time soon. Looks like you've solved the issue (Hopefully) and you'll be back in business. (Do us a favour tho: wait till the fog clears first ok.......We don't want you taring off into someone's wheat field ruining their crop.....:rofl::rofl:

LOL 2000 rpm's -- that Z shouldn't be taunting you, it should be kicking you in the AZZ saying for God sakes Garry hit the skinny pedal .. HARD.........:rofl:

Just kiddin' about all this -- just have some fun but don't overdo it. Indeed, we rely on that wheat and wouldn't want there to be a shortage in supply.:D--or hear that you and your nice ride have been 'impounded' .... :rofl:

Oh boy, I'm having too much fun here. Must be that second bottle of wine we got for Marg's b'day........

Cheers or now.

Good evening Tony and Colin??? Is there someone else missing in your list?:D

Well, I too was hoping it was your gas cap. Crap. At least your light has not come on yet (knock on wood).

Funny, hearing that the one car was going 214km/h, all I can think is, that's it?:rofl: Totally not the right response. It's just that these cars as so fast! I know mine seems like the acceleration won't stop and it kind of scares me, I can't imagine what a C6Z feels like!

LOL, Riley, no kidding -- "is that it"? Couldn't have been vettes -- they wouldn't have caught the SOB'sk if it were.....

No way we're leaving you out Riley -- Just figured you were busy -- still on your Honeymoon.:rofl:

Hi to the missus......(tell her I love her Roush and my SHO would like to park next to it someday if it's ok with Mr.P.)

Oh yeah, don't forget Riley -- when you're done with the honeymoonin' -- that 'Honey Do' list is getting bigger every day....:nono:

Good morning RILEY, Colin,

No slight Riley. You are right about the acceleration though. For the longest time I struggled with choosing between a Z06 and the 436 hp Grand Sport. Big difference in price but only 8 mph less top end and not that much slower in the 1/4 mile. I'm still not sure even today why I went with the Z06. Perhaps because with the original promise I made to myself post-cancer treatment it was for a Z06 to be the reward?

I've been caught off guard bad enough twice WOT that I've hit the rev limiter twice. The acceleration is almost so hard that it is a case of hanging on for dear life and just pointing the car in the direction you want to go.

I do agree that 214 is not a fast speed for these cars but I suspect they might have been either Japanese or a Mustang or something like that. I mean it could be, in worse case scenarios, a Corvette maybe that he has stuck in 3rd gear.........

What a nice evening it sounds like you had Colin! A nice way to treat your lady, great you even brought your wife too! You're going to show her this, aren't you! Geeze just how old can you be? I'm 47 and just getting into my prime. I didn't run my 1/2 marathons until 45, didn't own a vehicle with more than 230 hp until April, I'm just hitting my stride now! Sadly I don't think that these are the types of cars younger folk can afford without either debt or a kick-ass job. I just noticed that the local Ford dealer has new 2012 Mustang Convertable's for 30K so I sort of see why the locals set that as a desirable goal for a sports car when my 2006 Z06 was still 46K.

The fog hung around for a really long time, maybe 2 in the afternoon before it finally cleared. Then the roads needed time to dry. BUt as I din't get going until after 5 I was safe and set.

Funny about Manny. I get taunted often at stoplights by people to light the tires and I just feel like telling them to spot me $50 and I'll oblige but to date no takers and still to date I've never had the strong urge to try to break traction like that, 3 times on corners yes but that was just a gas pedal tap to do that to amuse my son!

We are so very lucky in Canada. Being a net grain exporter. When ever did a Canadian ever go into a store and not have it stocked with food? I have a friend from Russia who lives in France now and the stories she tells about shortages of everything even like 10 years ago and still today are hard to imagine. But I am still careful not to be driving through any fields. They're kind of rocky and I can't imagine that being good for the balsa wood car bottom!!!!! Last year the canola stubble stems were often 3/4" in diameter, the sort of thing that could give you a tire puncture! Tractors don't have run flats yet either........

I am very cautiously optimistic about the CEL light. Need to log in the rest of my 200 km yet and I should be able to get 110 km more today. It's not done yet but many body parts are crossed and the local rabbits all have artifical limbs right now.

Funny you should actually put it in writing but having the car impounded is one of my fears as well, especially since last week when I saw the law enforment car just 1/2 mile east of where I join the pavement north of my place. I could almost take it for granted that they are never further than 3 miles west of town as the road is so infrequently travelled and that I was free to drive how I chose. Not something I can take for a certainty anymore, sadly..........


Here is the news about the speeders..........

"Members of the Integrated Traffic Unit from Innisfail who were out in full force on the highway Sunday keeping a lookout for lead-footed and dangerous drivers, came across the man in a rented 2013 Kia Magentis, which was seen racing with a black high-end sedan near the town, about 110 km north of Calgary, just after midnight.

Further south down the highway, an Alberta Sheriff clocked the pair at 214 km/h.

A 21-year-old Calgary man faces dangerous driving charges and is expected in court next month.

His vehicle was also seized."

I wonder what the rental car company is going to charge him for the loss of their vehicle??!!
Oh boy, it's ok to carefully have a little 'fun' but those guys weren't being discreet enough -- Uggg.... present company is much more careful I'm sure.

Stunts like that are all the 'man' and judges are waiting for to set the example..... and impounding or possibly losing one's car (or rental) would certainly put an exclamation mark on that experience.

Bottom line on the 21 y/o is that he's facing a charge -- and not a funeral(s).:)

Damn these cars are fast -- and yes some faster than others -- the temptations are ever present aren't they.
Manny will admit tho that they do make good cruisers too, as well as good track cars and fun machines. :D

Enjoy Garry -- and do keep us up on the CEL issue. Very interesting.

More later -- gots to see my man Manny this morning to catch up on old times... .......


Here is the news about the speeders..........

"Members of the Integrated Traffic Unit from Innisfail who were out in full force on the highway Sunday keeping a lookout for lead-footed and dangerous drivers, came across the man in a rented 2013 Kia Magentis, which was seen racing with a black high-end sedan near the town, about 110 km north of Calgary, just after midnight.

Further south down the highway, an Alberta Sheriff clocked the pair at 214 km/h.

A 21-year-old Calgary man faces dangerous driving charges and is expected in court next month.

His vehicle was also seized."

I wonder what the rental car company is going to charge him for the loss of their vehicle??!!

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