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C6 Z06 Vararam post install engine light is on!

I really don't think it's doable but my Uncle had a friend in Alberta that would "close" the road by his farm and had a whole bunch of friends out for a car show and since they closed the road, they could do a little fooling around. It would be nice if it was possible to close some roads with the cooperation of the RCMP's....at least for us guys where there is no road course near by. I understand there is liability and blah, blah, blah, so it would never happen, but it would be nice if a couple times a year a section of road could be made "safe" for spirited driving.

Sounds like you and the Misses had a great evening Colin. I hope I can treat mine as well as you. Maybe some day...or like in a couple months (with the addition of a freshly won Corvette) we could park the two Fords together!
Good morning Riley,

Odd that you should mention that. The guy that put on Race the Base and who owns ZR Exotic Cars in Calgary, Zahir Rana did exactly that I believe. A very long stretch of road, maybe 6 or 8 miles in ranchland country in southern Alberta somewhere. Got together a whole bunch of high sticker priced cars and were seeing on the plus side of 320 km/hr. There were YouTube video's if I remember but this was a few years ago. Word was that the RCMP may have gone to pay him a visit about the event as well which may have been released on DVD possibly????

No doubt liability would put the kibosh on that, who would want to take on that sort of responsibility today! Or go through the hassle of having waver/release forms for the drives to sign?

Probably the other problem is getting someone to train us on what to expect when a car gets to that speed and what to do if something goes wrong. Some of the speedways around here do have race days but like straightaway speeds of "only 150 mph" and briefly.

I guess we'll all have to take a road trip to Texas for that top speed shoot-out there on those long Texan roads!


Finally some news!

Within 3 km of leaving home the CEL light comes on. But oddly enough I'm sort of happy about it since I told myself that when it happens again it goes to the dealer to see what they can find out about things.

So I went to join my son in the Terry Fox run. Much fun! The whole school goes and the little bugger not only left me in the dust but also was one of the 1st maybe 15 kids to complete two laps around the town (2.8 km). Like an idiot I did 3 laps since I was behind him and didn't see that he had peeled off to the playground but hey I need the exercise.

So after the run off to the dealer. Sadly they are very busy and can't look at it (insert sad/ frowning face here) but possibly at 3:30.

So I go for more walking, this time around the golf course where is it very pretty.

Pick up my son, explain to him we're going to the dealer to see why the car has a CEL light on and I need him to behave, pointless to be sure but I have to try.

So go and see George the service manager. He still can't fit me in but realizes how worried I am and says that if I bring it around the back he'll have one of the buys throw a code reader on it and they'll see what it says.

Much relief!

So Tim the technician throws a much larger code reader than mine but says it takes about 5 minutes to do a complete sweep and so we make small talk. Tim seems pretty decent and I think I could develop trust in him for the oil changes. I do 4 combines, 4 swathers, 3 grain trucks etc. a year and they're also easy to get under so I don't feel the need to do the Z06 myself.

So 5 minutes passes.

Tim starts to scroll through the codes. A lot dealing with voltage issues - probably going back to when Garry the idiot left the Mild to Wild in the wrong setting for several days and the battery died!

Still worried.............

Then Tim says those magic words............


Insert owner making very similar to ejaculating sounds here please.

Wow I can't express the sense of relief in this!

So Tim cleared all the codes in memory and recommended that I carry my OBD2 with me and if the CEL comes on again read it right away before I shut the engine off. He also recommended that when I bring the car to get the oil changed that he would update the ECM software since apparently that has never been done.

They didn't charge me anything. Now that is how you build loyalty!!!!!

So almost a sense of relief like youc an't imagine and even took the engine up to 3500 this time and enjoyed it with the thought that while I still want to drive like Colin at least I can have the odd moment like his Mr. Hyde every once in a while now and while no WOT certainly higher into the tach.

So I don't know if this concludes my CEL experience or journey yet but I feel as if I can breath at the thought that my Vararam job isn't going to damage my precious and beautiful LS7 in the short term!!!!!


Good morning Riley,

Odd that you should mention that. The guy that put on Race the Base and who owns ZR Exotic Cars in Calgary, Zahir Rana did exactly that I believe. A very long stretch of road, maybe 6 or 8 miles in ranchland country in southern Alberta somewhere. Got together a whole bunch of high sticker priced cars and were seeing on the plus side of 320 km/hr. There were YouTube video's if I remember but this was a few years ago. Word was that the RCMP may have gone to pay him a visit about the event as well which may have been released on DVD possibly????

No doubt liability would put the kibosh on that, who would want to take on that sort of responsibility today! Or go through the hassle of having waver/release forms for the drives to sign?

Probably the other problem is getting someone to train us on what to expect when a car gets to that speed and what to do if something goes wrong. Some of the speedways around here do have race days but like straightaway speeds of "only 150 mph" and briefly.

I guess we'll all have to take a road trip to Texas for that top speed shoot-out there on those long Texan roads!



Here's what you need Garry, and yes I'd love to go too (and I'll bet Riley also)

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So off to get my son, OBD2 in hand ready to scan if the light comes on.

Trip there OK,

10 from home the CEL light comes on. I'm actually excited and remembered exactly the technicians words of if the CEL light comes on, don't turn the car off and connect the OBD2 when you get home and maybe it will pull the code this time.

It didn't. But still given that they said it is not an engine code when they connected their super sophisticated code reader to the car was a huge sense of relief and now I can continue to enjoy the car without the thought of it blowing up.

So I hope!

Canola is dry and down to 2% green so I'm going to take another field off. While I was originally going to take the car in at the end of Oct. for an oil change before storing it I might actually see if I can get the CEL resolved before that too just in case they need to order some parts or a new sensor or whatever.

Parks for trucks they stock, parts for Z06's, nope!


Feel good that if it doesn't generate a code it just might just be something minor, Garry......
We hope so too. I know your what you're going thru -- it would bug me too to have to look at the light even tho it might not be much.
I think it's wise to get to the bottom of it if possible tho but that's me. Would have to know what it is.

Take it in with the light on and see what comes up.

Good luck and you have to know that we're all really interested in what you find out.

Good evening Colin,

Wow what a beautiful sunset it was here. I always think that sunsets that are created when you have a lot of dust thrown up into the air from combines are the most beautiful, the harvest sunset!

So got a bit of a chunk of the field done and I have to take some gravimetric samples tomorrow, like 120 of them (ugh!) and then weigh an experimental plot I'm doing with a post-graduate student and then back to combining.

Colin I totally agree with you and Manny was also right. Time to take this thing in and get a professional to look at it and also upload new ECM software too.

I am so SO relieved that it does not appear to be an engine problem! That thought was giving me heart palpitations. Nothing worse than the idea of sucking unfiltered air into an engine that would cost me $10,000 to buy let alone install!

I'm hoping it will be somthing minor. Like the head of the service department told me, the light coming on is not something to make you sweat. The CEL light coming on and flashing - that is when you have to worry!

I'll be curious to see what is it, if anything I did contributed to it happening and to getting on with my final 4 weeks of time with the Z06!


Oh Riley you're so funny! The service manager, who saw the car in person on Friday, asked me this morning when I said it was a Corvette Z06 "That's a Camero?". At the end of the discussion he also said "We're not a Corvette dealer but we'll see what we can do.............."

He is right but he is a Chev/GM dealer so isn't that good enough?!

It will be interesting if in the end they can find an error code, it will be good to get the oil changed and also the most current software loaded.

Can't wait to try my autocross on Saturday!

I will try for some sunsets if I get more, right now it is grey, overcast and raining on my final field of canola to harvest.


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