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brrr !!!

Nov 3, 2012
buckhorn ontario
jeezuss it's cold. -25f, don't even want to think about the wind chill. it's so damn cold i've been using the furnace overnight. best i can get the house to at these temps with the woodstove is 65-66f. the electric furnace is really just a giant hair dryer and pretty pricey especially with with the damn "time of use" hydro rates.
Here in Midland it is -31C without the wind chill!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minus 29 when I got up at 8 it was minus 26 at 4 in the morning when I got up to put more wood on the fire. Cannot seem to get the house warm this morning.

I hate the nosies the house makes in this cold and I worry about the septic and waterline freezing. I am getting too old for this stuff.

Dogs simply refuse to go outside. Smart dogs!!

Stay warm folks. Anybody use their block heater in their Corvette in storage? I am thinking I should plug it in just so it knows I have not forgotten about it.
Just came in from cleaning up after yesterdays blowing snow; and you guys are right on..It is cold. In fact I saw some brass marbles rolling into town from Ancaster way, sure hope your monkey is ok Wayne.

we're puttin' big dents in the woodpile this year eh murray. about 64f is all i can muster this morning.hhmmm.... i wonder how attached helen is to those dining room chairs ?
Doug, I remember years ago there was a fictional article (I think it was anyhow!) in Harrowsmith Magazine about this guy who was going to save a bundle of $ by converting to wood heat. Started off all right then he needed a new chain saw, log handling tools, replacement chains, oil, gas, a four wheel drive truck, trailer, new storage shed and on and on. The end of the story was him breaking up the coffee tables for wood since he had run out and pondering his decision to heat with wood.

I don't do it justice, it really was funny. And yes the wood pile seems to be shrinking at an alarming rate.
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wayne ,are you talkin' fahrenheit or trudeau's temperature ? if it's fahrenheit, that's bloody cold for your region, no ?

Maybe it's my engineering background but I always felt 100 degrees for the boiling point of water and 0 for the freezing point made a lot more sense than 212 and 32. ..... And don't get me going about "chains" which is what we used when I started surveying.
All in all everyone has their own comfort level, my younger cousin refuses to do anything metric and won't listen to any music that didn't originate in the 50's. That's what makes this world so interesting.

I haven't wanted to complain because you Canadians would think of me as a wimp But when the wind chill is -40 (f) and your sitting in a crane all day without a heater it's frigging cold no matter what your wearing .

Ice storms ,cold cold ,another ice storm Monday possible than more cold cold I feel really guilty leaving my wife while I'm off to Florida on the 11th .

Please forgive me for wining a Canadian would never do that

You're gonna need some Florida sun to thaw out Steve.......
Wish I were coming with you...

I am in the same boat as you Buckhorn, except I have a pellet stove. We are getting a quote to replace the stupid electric furnace with a two-stage propane unit. Enough is enough!
One good thing about living in the city...heating with natural gas. House is always warm and it's dirt cheap. -20 when I left for work this morning with a wind chill of -26.

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