Hi Speedy: Super choice, nothing like a C1 Corvette ! May I suggest that you seek out membership to the well-known and respected experts' international group
NATIONAL CORVETTE RESTORERS SOCIETY ("NCRS"). I've been an active member for over 25 years, and what it could do for your restoration plans personally is endless. The membership for Canadians is $52. Even if you don't go the factory-correct route in your restoration, the NCRS is a prime source of literature, repair suggestions, and expertise. The 1958-60 4th Edition( $30.USD ) TECHNICAL INFORMATION MANUAL outlines everything you could ever want to see, or know, about the 1958
as it left the factory. Link to JOIN
All the best, and keep us up to date on your project.
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Toronto, Ontario
'14 Z51 Silver/Red C7 Targa
'08 Z51 JSB C6 Targa
'05 Silver/Red C6 Targa
'01 Torch Z06
'98 C5 Silver Targa
'67 Sting Ray L36 427/390HP NCRS Top Flight rag
'75 Red T-Top
'18 ATS-V Coupe 464 HP Caddie
NCRS, C5/C6/C7 Registry
NatlCorvetteMuseum Shinoda Charter Member (20+ years)