Boo...Halloween At Your House

We waited we were prepared but once again no one showed up. :(

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7 pm here. Two so far and it’s only -4c . They were quite happy with their mandarins . I have seen more kids in previous years with -25c . Go figure. Oh well , I love mandarins ! Look on this little girl’s face she might come through with the threat, lol .:rofl1:
Had a grand total of 14 which is 14 more than last year. This house is on the worst street for Hallowe’eners, compared to all my previous houses: a short keyhole crescent with mostly retired snowbirds now down in the States, with their Edmonton lights left out. Had some great costumes, which is why I enjoy doing door-duty.

Numbers always down compared to “the old days”: most kids favour a mall to avoid the cool temperatures (even with nicer weather) and maximize their door-to-door take.
Had a grand total of 14 which is 14 more than last year. This house is on the worst street for Hallowe’eners, compared to all my previous houses: a short keyhole crescent with mostly retired snowbirds now down in the States, with their Edmonton lights left out. Had some great costumes, which is why I enjoy doing door-duty.

Numbers always down compared to “the old days”: most kids favour a mall to avoid the cool temperatures (even with nicer weather) and maximize their door-to-door take.
"Helicopter parenting" these days limits the duration and range of the kids to the duration/range of the parents, I'd wager. Saw no younger(?) kids last night without "escorts". Some even drive along the road, slowly, keeping pace with their kids. When we were kids it was dress up, grab the pillow case, and get out there. "See you later Mom/Dad".

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