billy bob and the trooper.

From another forum:

corvette owner said:
Well, went to Waffle House this morning for breakfast. Parked the Vette and got out. Some lady in a Prius pulls in next to me and starts yelling at me that the Vette is killing the enviroment. I said, well your car is killing jobs, it maybe assembled here, but the majority of parts are made in Japan. She walked away mumbling to herself.

and a response:

another 'vette owner said:
Just tell her your Corvette is a hybrid, it burns both gas and tires. I told that to a tree hugger driving Prius owner at REI once and her jaw dropped and she was speechless.

we used to joke about my buddies ram air IV judge. G.T.O. stood for gas, tires and oil.......guess it was a real hybrid afterall !!! :rofl:
I have no problem with the left wing tree hugging enviroweenie prius leaves more gas for the rest of us. Do we really need clean air? Isn't that what air filters are for?
I think the hoola hoop is the most amazing part.....and the fact that the bear doesn't just eat the guys hand when getting a treat! :D
Wow! That is pretty impressive what the phone can do. Give it another year and I won't even have to have sex with my wife to get her pregnant. I'll just let the iPhone do that. :D

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