billy bob and the trooper.

Kinda looks like the load is behind the axle. Tipup might be a sh@##y experience.(LOL)
I have 'portable toilets' set up on every job site (no trailers)
In the Downtown core (London), the crack-heads are so bad that we took to wrapping a chain around them with a lock.
One Friday night, one of these morons managed to slide the chain up high enough to pry the door open.
Once inside, the chain fell back into place, leaving him inside.
Monday morning, he was howling to be released, to which the men obliged.
Just this week had a recent rat flurry at a recycling depot in Calgary.
Not the first time for the odd rat to make it's way across the borders. Usually it is with a delivery truck from who knows where.
My hunting and fishing buddy Larry was the meat manager of Safeway in Red Deer and he told me the story from years ago when a grocery truck delivery came in and brought a Norway rat with it. It scurried under some pallets in the store and while everyone gathered around (except the girls) wondering what to do next. Larry went home and came back shortly with the answer. While another worker shined a flashlight along the floor under the pallet, Larry laid down and promptly discharged his shotgun which also discharged the rat. Thank goodness for the day that you could actually do that without making Google News across the country.... lol...
Now-a-days he would have his shotgun seized, charged with discharging a firearm in a public place, and God knows what else.

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