Yeah it's a shame it had to happen to such a nice fella, who loves what he does, and loves helping others enjoy the sport too.:(

Makes you want to reach out and do something for him.

Well Colin, it is -31 here right now. If they catch the people, ship them out, I'll have them stand outside and throw some water on them from time to time. Allow them to have a period of self-reflection about how they are guiding themselves through their lives.................

It is going to be a bitter one here this morning!


And I thought we had it bad with -22 this morning! Oh, the joys of the prairies!

The more I think about it, the more it just sucks with Arun's car AND truck going missing. I wonder what the rate of recovery is. I hope the thieves are stupid and open their mouths just one too many times about the Corvette they have.
Good morning Gentlemen,

Well, I lasted for almost 50 minutes. I walk so much slower when I am so bundled up, I travelled 4.6 km so I have some TM work ahead of me yet today. I could have stayed out longer but for my first really cold morning I'd like to see how I respond to it. Generally I stayed pretty warm though. The new mitts seemed to be good. The usual, my thumbs get cold. I'm not sure why but almost like clockwork about 20 minutes afer I'm outside all my other extremities have warmed so I can almost feel the blood trickling into my thumbs and from then on I'm almost comfortable. I could also try just wearing my mitts with my heat packs too and see how my thumbs do. I have some good fleece lined, windproof pants that I actually just wear over my underwear as they are super warm and I've got some good boots rated to -40 so with just regular socks my toes are warm.

I do agree Riley, I mean they also face the problem of where are you going to part out a car like this? I mean something this unique requires a bit of TLC and any shop of reputation that might be able to ever work on it is going to realize that it is a special car.

I wonder if it could ever be sold whole? I mean you're not parting out a Civic or something so what sort of person with the money to buy a car like this or parts would not want to see the registration required for a title transfer? The truck and trailer I could see rolling easily for some $ but the car is too special I would think.

Yes, with luck they get careless/stupid or a potential buyer notifies police. We always live in hope, after all.


Yikes, Garry, -31!!!!!! that's "Brass Monkey Weather" ....... I get cold just thinking about it.
Yeah Wayne; -4 isn't too bad is it.

Stay warm Garry - keep the fire stoked.

Good morning Colin,

Actually -31 is not that bad just as long as there is no wind. I mean I'd go out in -31 with no wind a whole lot sooner than -20 with a 15 km wind even though the wind chill would be about the same.

I just talked with Dad and he had one of his furnaces just yesterday, in the east wing of the house where he and mom sleep and he said it was 13 when he woke up! I will admit that this is one of the few days I am actually really happy having made teh decision to rent out my other house in September - I don't have to worry about the furnace shutting off and not being aware of it. My friend there was sort of getting lax about looking it on it after three years. Piece of mind is a huge benefit on days like this.

Over the years as well have had the "brass monkey's" get painfully and I mean PAINFULLY cold on two separate occasions I am much less stupid and a whole lot more careful about how it is I dress when I go outside. To the point where I even now lok at $200 heated mitts that staw warm for 10 hours at a charge and don't see that as much of a foolish investment as I once might have.

Exercising year round is a good thing for me so I am starting to part with $ to at least make it as pleasant as I can so I am more prone to do it.

Thankfully we are due to see -4 on Saturday/Sunday which is when if I am smart I might tackle putting up my outside tree lights.

My Corvette Central catalogue arrived yesterday but I haven't looked through it yet. I'm dropping $ like crazy at the moment buying my military/tank books instead.


Sorry for the late reply and please pardon my ignorance if I'm repeating something. I did not read through the whole thread. You need to get all the meth out and replace it with just normal windshield washer fluid-best way to do this is remove the line that goes to the meth nozzle on the inlet tube. Find a suitable hose that will go over the braided line and feed that hose to a 5 gallon pail of some sort. Now make sure the car has good battery power and-turn the key on and hold the test button down until all the meth is out.
Now fill in the reservoir with WW fluid and hold the test button down until WW fluid comes out of the braided feed line. You cannot just remove meth from the reservoir-you need to remove all the meth that is sitting in the pump-so this in IMHO is the best way to do it.
Garry I just redid mine to drain the meth pump too, and got a few more ounces out.

I found that I had to start the engine to pump it too -- With just the ignition live it didn't power the pump.

If you take off the air sensor wire to better access the meth connections, don't forget to reconnect it to start the engine or you'll generate a check engine light. No biggie but it'll take some cycles to clear if you can't otherwise clear it.

I also poured maybe a pint of a/freeze in the reservoirs and pumped a little thru to refill the pump .. Reconnect the meth hose to the air inlet fitting.

Let it idle for 5 minutes to fully heat up the motor and clear the pipes of moisture. Reconnect your trickle charger and you're done.

Good morning Colin, Arun,

Thanks for the greater description and details! Never worry about repeating something Arun as I am about as dense as they come these days!! I need to hear or read something repeatedly before it gets through to me brain.

To save me the time, where exactly do I find the pump? It is accessable from under the hood or do I have to go from under the car? Which side??

While it is cold to say the least again this week we are forecast for -5 next week so it may be my chance to tackle this finally.


No need to worry about the pump Garry, just disconnect the meth hose at the air inlet.

The meth pump is at the WW reservoir on the driver's side low down by the battery.

Just be careful with the brass fittings when you reinstall the meth tubing. They don't need much tq to tighten sufficiently.

Stay warm. Today it's cold here (for us) -=- It's about minus 9 and I had to get my long johns out to take the kids for a walk.

Good morning Colin,

It is a sort of nicer morning, -18 but dead calm which is exactly the way I like it. Cold is always something I can handle, wind I can't say much positive about especially when it is cold - wind chills and drifting snow (drifting cars maybe!) are just not my bag.

So I'm going to ask you a few more questions Colin. Since my car is not here and easily accessable I want to sort of get a visual image in my head.

1)when you talk air inlet do you mean the tube that is in front of the air meter? Like on the left side of the air inlet for example?
2)Z06 batteries are in the trunk by the right rear tire so they must be in a different location on the GS's. But I remember where the WW tank is, sort of on the left side close to the back of the engine compartment.
3)any idea of the size of hose I should get to put over the end of the braided hose? I've already told myself to get the empty or near empty methanol jug and also to remember to check in the back seat of the sedan for winter WW fluid.

I'm thinking, without seeing it first-hand, that it might not be as complicated as I was envisioning, that I just unscrew the fitting on the braided line, attach the hose, run it into my jug, hit the test button until it empties out, add the winter fluid, hit the test button again until it runs blue and then put the fitting back on and voila! Seals are safe!!

Sounds right??

Sheesh my poor gf just called. Her furance quit running and it is +10 in her place. if it was not a rental I'd go over as it sounds like the flame sensor is covered with carbon and is not detecting the furnace burners running so it shuts off and cycles all the time. The burners do come on but as the flame sensor is insulated it doesn't measure the increase in temperature so shuts off the gas flow. I'd rather not fiddle with a rental furnace though - if I'm wrong the woner mgiht not be too happy with me/my gf and it also be expensive!!


Garry said:
I'm thinking, without seeing it first-hand, that it might not be as complicated as I was envisioning, that I just unscrew the fitting on the braided line, attach the hose, run it into my jug, hit the test button until it empties out, add the winter fluid, hit the test button again until it runs blue and then put the fitting back on and voila! Seals are safe!!

Sounds right??

Yes it's that easy Garry. Just disconnect the braided line at the air inlet (where the braided line ends) and run a hose from that point to a jug. Press the red button (I had to start the engine to make that circuit live) and pump.....out with the meth, then in with the WW.

Sorry to hear of the g/f's furnace -- with temps like you have she better get some service soon.


Good afternoon Colin,

Sounds scary that I don't spend much time with the hood of the car up to observe these things eh!

But it does sound like something that I'm less fearful of undertaking now that I've had you guys run me though it. With luck, as I said, I can try to get it done next week. I'll give an update after I'm done.

Crazy weather here, -18 this morning and an Arctic front is moving through and it is -24 now. My gf's furnace is running and I'm even happier that I diagnosed it correctly - an oxidized flame sensor. So a quick brushing with some steel wool and she's going to be back to warm and toasty when she gets home from work.


Good morning,

The blizzard continues apace! My gf has gotten stuck twice in my driveway now, even with studded winter tires. This morning it is -20 with a 15 km wind straight from the north. Even though I bundled up well this morning the walking north is like someone throwing small bits of ice into my face, it really stung and it got so bad I could feel it melting on my face on the south portions since it was building up on my cheeks. Of course snow is about 15 to 20 cm deep on the road and the vehicle track is poorly tramped at this point. I got so miserable I lasted 1 mile before I threw in the towel and thought thank God for my treadmill! But I've been spending too much time on it and not enough time outside.

I might actually take my truck for mail this morning so that I can sort of pack a trail on the driveway although considering it was taking about 2 minutes before my tracks were gone I am not sure how long that will last.

There does still seem to be a small break in the weather, -2 on Sunday and -6 on Monday so I am still thinking that Monday I'll head to the car to drain out the methanol after I drop my son off at school. The temperature is dropping back below -20 on Tuesday so I'm not sure when I'll get another crack at this.

I'm tired of the blowing and drifting snow though, about 4 days of it now and it is getting tiresome.

I actually had the thought in my mind that I should get a blade for my truck to clean the driveway but then again it doesn't get this bad more than two or three times a winter and in the aftermath it is always sort of a fun experience. It just never feels like it at the time.


Yikes Garry, it sounds brutal there.......I'm not young enough to take that kind of weather any more --- cold wind goes right thru me and chills me to the bone.

Today here it's cold about -13 this morning but sunny with a slight breeze.

Walking the dogs wasn't too bad altho I had to stop occasionally and warm the dog's paws. Funny to see them walking on 3 legs -- poor things.

We got thru it - none too quickly tho.

Stay warm and I hope you get that milder weather Sunday/Monday.

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