The way I see it, I was thinking that adding an auto was watering down the rawness of what the Z06 is supposed to be. Then, a realistic, normal thought entered my head. If I want a manual transmission and a manual is an option, why would I care if they offer an auto? They could offer it with a DCT, power glide, or non synchro tranny for all it should matter to me. Funny how people want a car offered how they want it and all other peoples desires aren't important. I think people worry that if they offer the Z06 with too many options, it will make too many people happy and then gm will sell too many Z06's and it won't be exclusive anymore. People that don't want autos or other options are just worried the car will lose its look at me status. Or, maybe they are worried if they sell 80% autos, they'll drop the manuals. Fair enough but if they only offered it as a manual and only sold 20% of what they could have, then maybe they just wouldn't make the Z06 anymore. So as I see it, the auto may be keeping the Z06 alive. Good enough reason for me to have them offer it as an option and I can't see gm dropping the manual anytime soon.
Personally, I wish it had a fixed roof only so people wouldn't ask me to take the roof off. I like the closed in cockpit feel, but really, it is better with a removable roof as I'm sure more people will like that option.