That is one scary post ..... yea why else would he classify fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction if he didnt have some psychotic idea like that in mindThis is alarming.
'Classic authoritarian move': Critics alarmed as Trump eyes classifying fentanyl as WMD
An exclusive report that President Donald Trump is on the verge of declaring “illicit” fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction was subjected to a thorough round of criticism as political observers pointed out the retro phrase and potential damages the executive order could have.The draft
"An exclusive report that President Donald Trum on the verge of declaring “illicit” fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction was subjected to a thorough round of criticism as political observers pointed out the retro phrase and potential damages the executive order could have.
The draft memo began circulating among top Trump administration officials last week, including at the U.S. Departments of State, Defense and Justice, “The Handbasket” political newsletter reported Tuesday. It could be signed by Trump next week, the report added."
“The purpose is a combination of designating fentanyl cartels as terrorist organizations and creating justification for conducting military operations in Mexico and Canada,”
But there would have to be at least one level headed person that could and should talk him out of it ... ?
I kinda look at it like this .... Imagine driving to Canadian Tire and in the parking lot you see some 6'4" ... 250 lb heavily muscled man just beating the living snot out his 90 lb wife .... that would shock the hell out of anyone .... that is the equivalent of the US invading Canada .... be it out of neglect , corruption or a slew of other reasons ... our military is that 90lb wife in comparison to the US ... I'd say if US troops crossed the boarder they would have Canada in under 24 hours . They would probably get more resistance from civillians than our own military which they could neutralize fairly quickly
Can the orange demon really be that demented ... a NATO country attacking Canada, another NATO partner ? Although Mexico is not a NATO partner that still doesn't give them the right to go into Mexico .... sure Mexico has the massive drug cartels and the flow of drugs into the US is a big problem for the US .... how ever its the flow of drugs that is the problem for the States not the Cartels ... they are Mexicos problem ... The US has the money and technology to destroy the planet 6 ways to Sunday .... and the only way to stop drugs from entering the States is to invade them ? Doesn't fly with me .... If according to the demon dickhead they are the best at everything ... why dont they just tighten up their southern boarder to the point that not one gram of illegal substances get through ... ahhh but that wouldn't be as much fun as killing innocent people who would offer little resistance
They would be viewed worse than any other Country on the planet ... worse than The DPRK ... Russia ... etc ....
Alas the bullsh** they spew is endless .... just check out this vid ......
Like I said ... that is one scary post .....