A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

This is alarming.

"An exclusive report that President Donald Trum on the verge of declaring “illicit” fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction was subjected to a thorough round of criticism as political observers pointed out the retro phrase and potential damages the executive order could have.

The draft memo began circulating among top Trump administration officials last week, including at the U.S. Departments of State, Defense and Justice, “The Handbasket” political newsletter reported Tuesday. It could be signed by Trump next week, the report added."

“The purpose is a combination of designating fentanyl cartels as terrorist organizations and creating justification for conducting military operations in Mexico and Canada,”
That is one scary post ..... yea why else would he classify fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction if he didnt have some psychotic idea like that in mind

But there would have to be at least one level headed person that could and should talk him out of it ... ?

I kinda look at it like this .... Imagine driving to Canadian Tire and in the parking lot you see some 6'4" ... 250 lb heavily muscled man just beating the living snot out his 90 lb wife .... that would shock the hell out of anyone .... that is the equivalent of the US invading Canada .... be it out of neglect , corruption or a slew of other reasons ... our military is that 90lb wife in comparison to the US ... I'd say if US troops crossed the boarder they would have Canada in under 24 hours . They would probably get more resistance from civillians than our own military which they could neutralize fairly quickly

Can the orange demon really be that demented ... a NATO country attacking Canada, another NATO partner ? Although Mexico is not a NATO partner that still doesn't give them the right to go into Mexico .... sure Mexico has the massive drug cartels and the flow of drugs into the US is a big problem for the US .... how ever its the flow of drugs that is the problem for the States not the Cartels ... they are Mexicos problem ... The US has the money and technology to destroy the planet 6 ways to Sunday .... and the only way to stop drugs from entering the States is to invade them ? Doesn't fly with me .... If according to the demon dickhead they are the best at everything ... why dont they just tighten up their southern boarder to the point that not one gram of illegal substances get through ... ahhh but that wouldn't be as much fun as killing innocent people who would offer little resistance

They would be viewed worse than any other Country on the planet ... worse than The DPRK ... Russia ... etc ....

Alas the bullsh** they spew is endless .... just check out this vid ......

Like I said ... that is one scary post .....

That is one scary post ..... yea why else would he classify fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction if he didnt have some psychotic idea like that in mind

But there would have to be at least one level headed person that could and should talk him out of it ... ?

I kinda look at it like this .... Imagine driving to Canadian Tire and in the parking lot you see some 6'4" ... 250 lb heavily muscled man just beating the living snot out his 90 lb wife .... that would shock the hell out of anyone .... that is the equivalent of the US invading Canada .... be it out of neglect , corruption or a slew of other reasons ... our military is that 90lb wife in comparison to the US ... I'd say if US troops crossed the boarder they would have Canada in under 24 hours . They would probably get more resistance from civillians than our own military which they could neutralize fairly quickly

Can the orange demon really be that demented ... a NATO country attacking Canada, another NATO partner ? Although Mexico is not a NATO partner that still doesn't give them the right to go into Mexico .... sure Mexico has the massive drug cartels and the flow of drugs into the US is a big problem for the US .... how ever its the flow of drugs that is the problem for the States not the Cartels ... they are Mexicos problem ... The US has the money and technology to destroy the planet 6 ways to Sunday .... and the only way to stop drugs from entering the States is to invade them ? Doesn't fly with me .... If according to the demon dickhead they are the best at everything ... why dont they just tighten up their southern boarder to the point that not one gram of illegal substances get through ... ahhh but that wouldn't be as much fun as killing innocent people who would offer little resistance

They would be viewed worse than any other Country on the planet ... worse than The DPRK ... Russia ... etc ....

Alas the bullsh** they spew is endless .... just check out this vid ......

Like I said ... that is one scary post .....

If they tried to take us with force, they would definitely get resistance from civilians. At least from one. ;)
That is one scary post ..... yea why else would he classify fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction if he didnt have some psychotic idea like that in mind

But there would have to be at least one level headed person that could and should talk him out of it ... ?

I kinda look at it like this .... Imagine driving to Canadian Tire and in the parking lot you see some 6'4" ... 250 lb heavily muscled man just beating the living snot out his 90 lb wife .... that would shock the hell out of anyone .... that is the equivalent of the US invading Canada .... be it out of neglect , corruption or a slew of other reasons ... our military is that 90lb wife in comparison to the US ... I'd say if US troops crossed the boarder they would have Canada in under 24 hours . They would probably get more resistance from civillians than our own military which they could neutralize fairly quickly

Can the orange demon really be that demented ... a NATO country attacking Canada, another NATO partner ? Although Mexico is not a NATO partner that still doesn't give them the right to go into Mexico .... sure Mexico has the massive drug cartels and the flow of drugs into the US is a big problem for the US .... how ever its the flow of drugs that is the problem for the States not the Cartels ... they are Mexicos problem ... The US has the money and technology to destroy the planet 6 ways to Sunday .... and the only way to stop drugs from entering the States is to invade them ? Doesn't fly with me .... If according to the demon dickhead they are the best at everything ... why dont they just tighten up their southern boarder to the point that not one gram of illegal substances get through ... ahhh but that wouldn't be as much fun as killing innocent people who would offer little resistance

They would be viewed worse than any other Country on the planet ... worse than The DPRK ... Russia ... etc ....

Alas the bullsh** they spew is endless .... just check out this vid ......

Like I said ... that is one scary post .....

Just like the way it’s always been as long as there is a demand for drugs there is going to be a supply. The war on drugs was lost a long time ago. But the solution isn’t making hard drugs available in vending machines. Or , military action.
That is one scary post ..... yea why else would he classify fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction if he didnt have some psychotic idea like that in mind

But there would have to be at least one level headed person that could and should talk him out of it ... ?

I kinda look at it like this .... Imagine driving to Canadian Tire and in the parking lot you see some 6'4" ... 250 lb heavily muscled man just beating the living snot out his 90 lb wife .... that would shock the hell out of anyone .... that is the equivalent of the US invading Canada .... be it out of neglect , corruption or a slew of other reasons ... our military is that 90lb wife in comparison to the US ... I'd say if US troops crossed the boarder they would have Canada in under 24 hours . They would probably get more resistance from civillians than our own military which they could neutralize fairly quickly

Can the orange demon really be that demented ... a NATO country attacking Canada, another NATO partner ? Although Mexico is not a NATO partner that still doesn't give them the right to go into Mexico .... sure Mexico has the massive drug cartels and the flow of drugs into the US is a big problem for the US .... how ever its the flow of drugs that is the problem for the States not the Cartels ... they are Mexicos problem ... The US has the money and technology to destroy the planet 6 ways to Sunday .... and the only way to stop drugs from entering the States is to invade them ? Doesn't fly with me .... If according to the demon dickhead they are the best at everything ... why dont they just tighten up their southern boarder to the point that not one gram of illegal substances get through ... ahhh but that wouldn't be as much fun as killing innocent people who would offer little resistance

They would be viewed worse than any other Country on the planet ... worse than The DPRK ... Russia ... etc ....

Alas the bullsh** they spew is endless .... just check out this vid ......

Like I said ... that is one scary post .....

Like with too many media outlets especially these right wing media “ down there “ it’s all about the clicks or views their sensational headlines can generate. The more outrageous and ridiculous the better. Scary thing is that the presenters and the majority of their viewers believe this nonsense.
Like with too many media outlets especially these right wing media “ down there “ it’s all about the clicks or views their sensational headlines can generate. The more outrageous and ridiculous the better. Scary thing is that the presenters and the majority of their viewers believe this nonsense.
The worst of them all is Fox News! A mainstream news outlet that blatantly lies and makes up stories and refutes hard facts! That, to me, is the worst kind of crap. Might as well be a communist news outlet.
The worst of them all is Fox News! A mainstream news outlet that blatantly lies and makes up stories and refutes hard facts! That, to me, is the worst kind of crap. Might as well be a communist news outlet.
Very true. The disconcerting part is that it is considered “ mainstream “ .
It’s nothing but pure Far Right propaganda when it comes down to it.
I have to say this Moscow Agent is pretty good at dooping some people more so in the USA.

Unless his brain dead followers wake up from their comas, they are in a world of hurt for generations with his bs of bring wealth to America with his tariffs and tax cut.

The math just doesn't add up to his bs. After all they are mostly the uneducated ones.

Here is a simply example of his picture of his conjob. I am no economists but I know just simple mathematics.

ie. Those thats at 1 million $ income and up. At 30% income tax = $300k

Regular folks at $60k and up. At 20% income tax = $12k
At this point you have a pretty clear picture of who is benefiting the most from this deal? lol.

Even with double inflation, the rich will still have left over cash from their $300k windfall. This is not like a mandated of minimum spending like with some sport leagues.

Moving forward, tariffs will have to increase as more production are moving back to the US? And local stuff is not cheap. So those that make the minimum wage/ low income will still have to pay the tariffs just as much as the Millionaires and Billionaires. What a con job. lol.... Yes they will have so much cash and they don't know what to do with it, he said.
Forgot to add 'only for the rich.' Lol..
Titt for tat.
New Yorkers booed the Canadian anthem at last night's Leaf game as well as the one Feb 28th. Pity we can't just boo republicans.
Agreed. Ie. "Donald Suck" during their anthem. I think we should stop the booing as we have made our point. However we should continue to boycott them. We shouldn't and becareful of getting bated into their narrative of how nasty we are by Donald Dump and his cronies.
Agreed. Ie. "Donald Suck" during their anthem. I think we should stop the booing as we have made our point. However we should continue to boycott them. We shouldn't and becareful of getting bated into their narrative of how nasty we are by Donald Dump and his cronies.
Funny thing is the stupid Americans (republicans) really think there are cartels in Canada making and trafficking Fentanyl. I even saw a post on the midengine forum by a guy who really thought that was the reason for the tariffs!
Funny thing is the stupid Americans (republicans) really think there are cartels in Canada making and trafficking Fentanyl. I even saw a post on the midengine forum by a guy who really thought that was the reason for the tariffs!
Darn good thing that CCF is a MAGA free zone ...;)
Funny thing is the stupid Americans (republicans) really think there are cartels in Canada making and trafficking Fentanyl. I even saw a post on the midengine forum by a guy who really thought that was the reason for the tariffs!
Hmmmm... Mid Engine Forum... Do they know you're Canadian?..... Are you Canadian? :rofl:
Funny thing is the stupid Americans (republicans) really think there are cartels in Canada making and trafficking Fentanyl. I even saw a post on the midengine forum by a guy who really thought that was the reason for the tariffs!
Sorry , but . Sad as it is , there are large quantities of narcotics being manufactured right here at home. Very sad but sadly true. This is obviously happening not only here but it is happening. And yes “ Cartels “ are unfortunately involved. The tentacles of organized crime of all types are everywhere. Until the root causes of demand are addressed it won’t end anytime soon. Just follow the money. That is obviously what drives it all. As for demand, well , good luck trying to stop that . Vicious cycle as it were . JMHO . It’s about time we recognized and admitted it and got serious about doing something about it . We aren’t as innocent as we would like to think we are . As a source that is. And yes, most people are not aware or choose not to be.

Fentanyl labs in Canada have become a significant concern due to the shift from importing to domestic production. Organized crime groups are now producing fentanyl primarily on Canadian soil, particularly in provinces like British Columbia and Ontario. These groups often use private companies as fronts to import precursor chemicals, which can be diverted from legitimate sources. Law enforcement has cracked down on “superlabs” in provinces like Ontario, B.C., and Alberta, highlighting the domestic production’s role in the opioid crisis. Additionally, Canada has seen significant seizures and arrests related to fentanyl operations.
Organized crime groups in Canada operate fentanyl labs by leveraging sophisticated networks and technologies. Here’s an overview of their operations:
• Sophisticated Labs: These groups establish highly advanced “super labs” capable of producing multiple types of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, methamphetamine, and MDMA. These labs are often located in provinces like British Columbia, where they can import precursor chemicals from Asia.
• Precursor Chemicals: They import or divert essential chemicals and lab equipment, often from China and other Asian countries, to produce high-quality synthetic opioids.
• Distribution Networks: The drugs are distributed domestically and internationally, with some shipments intercepted before they can be exported to other countries.
• Law Enforcement Challenges: Despite significant seizures and arrests, the expansion of these labs poses ongoing challenges for law enforcement, including the RCMP’s Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement and Response (CLEAR) teams.
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Sorry , but . Sad as it is , there are large quantities of narcotics being manufactured right here at home. Very sad but sadly true. This is obviously happening not only here but it is happening. And yes “ Cartels “ are unfortunately involved. The tentacles of organized crime of all types are everywhere. Until the root causes of demand are addressed it won’t end anytime soon. Just follow the money. That is obviously what drives it all. As for demand, well , good luck trying to stop that . Vicious cycle as it were . JMHO . It’s about time we recognized and admitted it and got serious about doing something about it . We aren’t as innocent as we would like to think we are . As a source that is. And yes, most people are not aware or choose not to be.

Fentanyl labs in Canada have become a significant concern due to the shift from importing to domestic production. Organized crime groups are now producing fentanyl primarily on Canadian soil, particularly in provinces like British Columbia and Ontario. These groups often use private companies as fronts to import precursor chemicals, which can be diverted from legitimate sources. Law enforcement has cracked down on “superlabs” in provinces like Ontario, B.C., and Alberta, highlighting the domestic production’s role in the opioid crisis. Additionally, Canada has seen significant seizures and arrests related to fentanyl operations.
Organized crime groups in Canada operate fentanyl labs by leveraging sophisticated networks and technologies. Here’s an overview of their operations:
• Sophisticated Labs: These groups establish highly advanced “super labs” capable of producing multiple types of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, methamphetamine, and MDMA. These labs are often located in provinces like British Columbia, where they can import precursor chemicals from Asia.
• Precursor Chemicals: They import or divert essential chemicals and lab equipment, often from China and other Asian countries, to produce high-quality synthetic opioids.
• Distribution Networks: The drugs are distributed domestically and internationally, with some shipments intercepted before they can be exported to other countries.
• Law Enforcement Challenges: Despite significant seizures and arrests, the expansion of these labs poses ongoing challenges for law enforcement, including the RCMP’s Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement and Response (CLEAR) teams.
An EXTREMELY small amount of fentanyl crosses the border to the U.S. Of course there is organized crime in Canada, but don't think for one minute it compares anywhere near the cartels in Mexico! My point is the Orange Ape doesn't give a rats a$$ about fentanyl. He only cares about money.
An EXTREMELY small amount of fentanyl crosses the border to the U.S. Of course there is organized crime in Canada, but don't think for one minute it compares anywhere near the cartels in Mexico! My point is the Orange Ape doesn't give a rats a$$ about fentanyl. He only cares about money.
Oh ..... so true .... like he actually cares about hard working Americans .... :cool:

Woman Saying No with Hand Gesture stock photo
An EXTREMELY small amount of fentanyl crosses the border to the U.S. Of course there is organized crime in Canada, but don't think for one minute it compares anywhere near the cartels in Mexico! My point is the Orange Ape doesn't give a rats a$$ about fentanyl. He only cares about money.
Compared to their other border that is certainly true. I think the estimated percentage of interdiction of contraband of all types is about 10% so the amounts are certainly greater than what is being caught and published. Unfortunately a lot of what’s produced here stays here for domestic consumption. And yes , it’s a negotiating tactic for sure

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