A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

Ok. If you haven't taken any of this very serious, I really hope you are right and there's nothing about Trumps actions and his claim to take Canada and our resources that we should be concerned about. But my nature is to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I would much rather hear someone tell me 'you were just paranoid" than hear them say I wish I'd have listened to you" This was sent to me by a friend. Over the top? Take it however you like.

A Brief Resistance Guide

Key Points
- Canada is has one of the highest quality of life and freedom ratings of countries in the World. It
is a country worth fighting for. Everybody has agency. SISU!
- Resistance has multiple phases. We are currently in the Deterrent Resistance phase. American
products and travel are being shunned. Shunning of US military occupation forces will become a
natural extension if they invade Canada. The Active Resistance phase will involve more direct
action including ambush, sabotage, destruction of enemy assets.
- All Canadians have agency and a role to play in an Active Resistance. Play to your strengths.
Get involved in dual purpose activities. Network with your neighbours and others. Make a plan
for when comms and the Internet go down. Civil defense is a framework within which citizens
can react and cooperate in all types of emergencies.
- Prepare to participate or aid in the denial of resources to the US. This will involve targeting
pipelines, electrical transmission lines, roadways and railways leading to the US. As well,
Resistance will focus on attacking and weakening US military forces in Canada and outside in an
effort to drive them out of our country.
Please Note: All references here that involve violence or destruction are strictly in the
context of self-defense and national defense required in the event of a foreign power
invasion of Canada.
If you’re a first time reader of my writing, I am retired, a former intelligence analyst with the
RCMP who worked on national security and public order. Prior to that I was a member of the
Canadian Forces Reserve (infantry).
Previously I focused on building up a civil defense capacity, mainly through the Canadian Forces
Reserves. This takes time and shift in our culture. A number of you have been asking what you
can do if you cannot get military training because of age or ability so I have put together a quick
and dirty guide on resistance.
Why We Fight
It’s important to get it straight in your mind why we would fight back against an invader. In my
mind a US invasion will mean the destruction of our society. Donald Trump, and members of his
administration, have repeatedly stated their intention to invade Canada. A successful invasion
will mean the end of all that we hold dear and have built. It will mean the end of medicare,
women’s health, social programs and identity. It will result in a lower quality of life, shortened
lifespan and increased violence. Canada is not broken. Canada has one of the highest rated
quality of life and freedom. I believe our country is worth fighting for. I swore an oath to protect
it over 40 years ago and am still prepared to honour it.

Deterrent Resistance - you are doing that now. Canadians are boycotting US goods, travel and
services. This grassroots movement sends a strong signal to American decision makers.
Canadians have shown an increased interest in joining the Canadian Forces. Regardless of
Canadian government counter-tariffs, Canadians have taken it upon themselves, individually, to
show their contempt and defiance of the US government, “telegraphing” their intent. This is
huge. Trump’s advisors are likely telling him that a large majority of Canadians want nothing to
do with his plans. If all goes well this may be enough. I hope so.
Active Resistance - There may come a day when the Internet and phones go down. The power
may go out, bank machines and Interac may stop working. This may or may not be preceeded by
US military troop movements within the US and buildups near our border, mercenaries or other
irregular troops. This may be preceded by an increase in the tempo of anti-Canadian government
propaganda and the need to rescue “oppressed groups”. There may be a manufactured incident
the US government will use as a pretext to cross the border.
At this point a Canadian resistance will become active and have the following objectives:
• Deprive the enemy of our resources and wealth;
• Attack / weaken the US military presence in Canada with the aim of driving it out.
I see resistance in three different layers.
1. If nothing else - Do Not Obey. This is a key element of resisting. This means shunning contact
and not obeying orders from invaders and their collaborators. Everyone can do it and it can be
extremely effective. It means things like refusing to sell goods or services to the invader. Sure,
they may take it at gunpoint but you essentially set a hostile atmosphere, one of passive
resistance. For the most part, do not smile or engage in small talk with the invader. These are
instinctual human traits that Canadians may find especially hard to do but it sends a strong
message - you are not wanted here. This technique is aimed at making the invader feel uneasy
with the conquered and more isolated. The Norwegians did this well in WW2. Individuals will
have to make judgements when to employ this technique as there may be situations in which
shunning may result in atrocities or other negative consequences.
2. Participate in activities that aid the Resistance.
a)Intelligence and counter-intelligence. Troop movements, schedules, types and numbers of
enemy vehicles are all essential information that the Resistance will require to plan operations.
Consider starting a bird watching club (binoculars, cameras) or a walking or cycling club to
gather information. Consider starting a bridge club or similar recreational activity where you can
collate and disseminate information and instructions. Dual purpose social activities like these
have tremendous value and build esprit de corps. On counter-intelligence - unfortunately we will
likely have individuals who through greed, fear or stupidity, will collaborate with the enemy.
They will need to be identified. Skilled interrogators will be required. Operational security is
important. To invert a common phrase: “If you see something, say nothing.” Resistance activities
will be directed at enemy forces and Canadians will need to avoid giving away information on
Resistance members. The occupying force will move quickly to label Resistance as terrorism.

They will portray themselves as the victims. Their terminology and labeling must be mocked
and turned against them.
b) Logistics. Food, fuel, water and ammunition will need to be managed. Movement and vehicles
will likely be impeded by enemy forces. Safe houses and rest areas will need to be created and
c) Medical Services. Consider taking a first aid course and more advanced aid courses such as
wilderness first aid. Current or retired doctors, nurses, paramedics, veterinarians will be an asset.
The enemy will likely have hospitals surveilled for wounded Resistance members. Counselors
and psychologists will be needed as mental health will need to be addressed.
d) Communications. Ham radio operators and amateur radio enthusiasts can play an essential role
in communications. Forget the Internet, smart phones. They will likely be heavily compromised,
controlled or unavailable. Consider runners to physically deliver messages. Try to obtain a
shortwave radio now to listen to foreign broadcasts like the BBC and RFI (Radio France
Internationale). Best time to listen is nighttime. Find the frequencies and times now.
e) Cash, food and medications. Even in wartime goods must be paid for and commerce will
continue. Keep Canadian cash on hand. Consider having stocks to feed yourself and your
neighbours for longer terms. Start a food bank. Take up gardening and canning. Enemy forces
may use deprivation to demoralize and pressure an occupied population.
f) Strikes and Demonstrations. These can have a tremendous impact on enemy activities and their
ability to extract resources from our country. On the downside they may lead to arrest and other
unpleasant consequences.
g) Free press and counter-propaganda. The information space is an essential battlefield. The
occupying forces will likely control the Internet, television and radio. Consider starting an “old
school” printed press, leaflets, handbills.
3. Guerrilla warfare. It goes without saying that a direct conventional military conflict with the
US military will likely result in a quick and brutal defeat. The exception to this is if Trump sends
in contractors (mercenaries) to do a quick strike. Easier to deploy, they will like not have the full
range of military assets as the regular army. I would hope if the US sends in their military the
Canadian government will order our soldiers to take their equipment and start small scale
harassment, ambush and destruction raids. Canadian Forces Regular and Reserve troops can
form, lead and train small units. I won’t elaborate too much on the guerrilla warfare techniques
and tactics. If you know, you know, as the saying goes. Overall they will be in support of the two
major objectives. These activities will involve sabotage, ambush, destruction of resource
extraction routes, destruction of enemy military equipment. This may also involve reprisal raids
and destruction of enemy logistics into enemy territory itself with the help of allies.
Most resource extraction from Canada goes North - South. Whether that be electricity,
aluminum, oil or softwood lumber. These and other resources largely travel by powerline,
pipeline, roadway or railway. Free trade agreements have meant these goods go cheaply and
securely to the US. The Resistance will actively target these routes and resources to ensure this
will no longer be the case.

Get it straight within your mind why it is important to resist. It is about our existence as a
country, our quality of life and possibly the very lives of ourselves, our children and our
Everybody has agency. Whether you be a 15 year-old teenager, a disabled 32 year-old in a wheel
chair, an able bodied 40 year-old or a 78 year-old pensioner. A disabled 19 year-old in a
wheelchair may become an excellent drone operator. You all have an important role. Most of us
are doing that now by shunning American products. If there is an invasion we will shun
American troops, at the very least.
There are a number of Resistance activities in which Canadians can participate. Play to your
strengths. Not all resistance is about pulling a trigger. Take First Aid courses, Ham radio courses,
learn military vehicle and aircraft identification. Get a shortwave radio, binoculars. Get to know
your neighbours and talk about it now. Make a plan for when communications fail and it is
evident we are under attack. In short, have a civil defense plan. Civil defense can be applied to
floods, fires and other emergencies. It gives all citizens a way to prepare, react and cooperate in
an emergency.
In the event of a US invasion, act or assist in the carrying out of the two main objectives. Deny
the enemy our resources. Attack their military forces here in Canada to make them leave.
Just having a plan, an intention to engage in resistance can send a signal to US decision makers
that we will not be an easy win. This may prevent an actual invasion. But also be prepared to
carry through if an invasion occurs.
For those who believe Canada has a small population that cannot stand up to American
aggression, I will leave you with this final thought. In 1939 through 1945, Finland (pop. 3.7
million) fought the Soviet Union (pop. 170 million) and managed to keep most of their country
and inflicted large losses on the Soviets. The Finns have a word that embodies a philosophy:
“Sisu”. Sisu is extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is
presented typically in situations where success is unlikely. It is held by Finns to express their
national character. Today, Finland is one of the best places in the World to live, much like
Canada. In the face of adversity I think Canadians will unleash their Sisu too.
Please disseminate this widely.
A good publication if you find yourself having to work for the enemy:
The Simple Sabotage Field Manual (OSS)
Seems a bit over the top but as I asked nearer to the beginning of this thread, how insane do you think he is? DJT is proving the little bit of gray matter he has shows no limits to the destruction it can cause.
He always has his interests at heart. He did say he wanted to end any conflicts the USA was involved in but attacks the Houthis, Can't say I blame him but none the less I would posit that he wants to get those Trump towers built on the Gaza strip and the Houthis are hindering this by attacking Israel. What did he say about some of the foreign conflicts - let them fight it out themselves.
Said it before. The USA does not exist any more per se. It is now the corporation of the US with DJT as CEO, CFO and, just for fun. president. He says Canada has nothing of value for the US but calls cutting off electricity "illegal" ROFL. As though that bothers him, but only when he does it.
Just about all the GOP have their their brown noses now and the even the democrats (Schumer) are starting to cave.
For those who have not, please read about Hitler's rise to power. It was all very legal with him winning elections. Once he was in there then it was to late. DJT did mention to some group in the last run up that they wouldn't have to vote again. It just may come true!
Ok . So that’s Turdump but who is Robbing supposed to be ? Too “ pretty “ to be Vance , lol.
I may be wrong, but I believe that's Elon, No?
Can't you see him reaching behind Donnie, pulling the strings to make the lips move?


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This is alarming.

"An exclusive report that President Donald Trum on the verge of declaring “illicit” fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction was subjected to a thorough round of criticism as political observers pointed out the retro phrase and potential damages the executive order could have.

The draft memo began circulating among top Trump administration officials last week, including at the U.S. Departments of State, Defense and Justice, “The Handbasket” political newsletter reported Tuesday. It could be signed by Trump next week, the report added."

“The purpose is a combination of designating fentanyl cartels as terrorist organizations and creating justification for conducting military operations in Mexico and Canada,”
"An exclusive report that President Donald Trum on the verge of declaring “illicit” fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction was subjected to a thorough round of criticism as political observers pointed out the retro phrase and potential damages the executive order could have.
"exclusive report" is suspicious.
Feeling similar vrs Amazon (and everything else usa).
Although I didn't get suckered into their prime segment, I do (did) order a couple or three times a month from their website.
That stops now.
My conflict..........what to do with amzn stock that I've held for over a decade.
I also thought about that in a similar way, no more Amazon. Had a friend bring up the other side of that is it does give a ton of Canadians jobs, ie: delivery of packages. I hadn't thought of that aspect of some actions. A dilema....
I also thought about that in a similar way, no more Amazon. Had a friend bring up the other side of that is it does give a ton of Canadians jobs, ie: delivery of packages. I hadn't thought of that aspect of some actions. A dilema....
Not far from where I live, Amazon has a huge distribution centre (just completed).
I'm not sure that all the employees, or drivers, would share the entire abandonment sentiment.


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    Amazon Distribution Centre.webp
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I also thought about that in a similar way, no more Amazon. Had a friend bring up the other side of that is it does give a ton of Canadians jobs, ie: delivery of packages. I hadn't thought of that aspect of some actions. A dilema....
It shows how intertwined the US and CDN economies are.
Just like LAYS potato chips. Lays is owned by Pepsi but the actually chips are made in Ontario and/or Qc.
Takes some homework to figure out what may be owned by a US company but is actually a CDN product.
Same goes for OJ which i have every morning. Pretty well sure the OJ is a US product but am also fairly sure it is bottled and sold out of a plant not far from me. They also bottle Apple juice which i am sure is CDN. So while I am cutting the OJ at least I'll be drinking the AJ. All coming from the same plant so no lose of employment.
This is out of the box thinking. What if we don't tariff their stuff, and just let us/consumer decide what to buy. I think there is a movement from us to move away from US products anyway. Instead, promote and make it easiers to identify with labels 40/50/100% etc...made in Canada.
Some way suport the industries that are hurt the most by the tariffs with tax exemptions and find ulternative market for them while doing our long term planning to diversify with more free trades with other countries?
First, we will keep our inflation in checked, lower interest rate etc.
While the opposite is true for the them with higher prices/ inflation to hurt their consumers.
I am excited to know of lower gas prices for this summer without the consumer carbon tax. We an use the extra cash to buy higher local products.
Btw, just found an online store to buy my shampoo/lotion/soap from in Kenmore, AB. Expensive then those from a brand names from the US.
This is just the simple idea without know other factors in the teade agreement.
I am excited to know of lower gas prices for this summer without the consumer carbon tax. We an use the extra cash to buy higher local products.
You are compensated for the tax so you aren't gaining much if anything. Some might even lose money on it.
I also thought about that in a similar way, no more Amazon. Had a friend bring up the other side of that is it does give a ton of Canadians jobs, ie: delivery of packages. I hadn't thought of that aspect of some actions. A dilema....
There are also a lot of Canadian products available on Amazon. So just watch the source of anything you may want to order thereby still supporting Canadian businesses.
You are compensated for the tax so you aren't gaining much if anything. Some might even lose money on it.
It will be of more benefit to higher income families with larger homes to heat in a lot of cases as well as more vehicles to fuel up. It would seem that single individuals and seniors who won’t benefit. As often is the case unfortunately.
There are also a lot of Canadian products available on Amazon. So just watch the source of anything you may want to order thereby still supporting Canadian businesses.
And most are Chinese! LOL. The only U.S. profits go to the owner. ;)
And most are Chinese! LOL. The only U.S. profits go to the owner. ;)
If we had to stop purchasing Chinese goods we would have a heck of a lot fewer products to choose from but would have a lot more money in the bank. Money to spend on Corvette mods , lol. :Hurray:
This is out of the box thinking. What if we don't tariff their stuff, and just let us/consumer decide what to buy. I think there is a movement from us to move away from US products anyway. Instead, promote and make it easiers to identify with labels 40/50/100% etc...made in Canada.
Some way suport the industries that are hurt the most by the tariffs with tax exemptions and find ulternative market for them while doing our long term planning to diversify with more free trades with other countries?
First, we will keep our inflation in checked, lower interest rate etc.
While the opposite is true for the them with higher prices/ inflation to hurt their consumers.
I am excited to know of lower gas prices for this summer without the consumer carbon tax. We an use the extra cash to buy higher local products.
Btw, just found an online store to buy my shampoo/lotion/soap from in Kenmore, AB. Expensive then those from a brand names from the US.
This is just the simple idea without know other factors in the teade agreement.
It's Canmore AB. Here's the link for anyone interested. They ship free for orders over $50.00


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