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A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

I think this was in clear sight that some of us had missed? Trump is using tariffs to fund his projects ie. tax cuts etc..
So zero tariffs is out of the question. How much and how many items to be tariff is guaranteed. All imported metals are getting the 25%. So your C8/C9 has just got a little more expensive then last week? lol...
Canada, China and Mexico are their biggest trading partners. Then work down the list.
Please build those damn pipe lines one to the East and one to the West to start.
I think this was in clear sight that some of us had missed? Trump is using tariffs to fund his projects ie. tax cuts etc..
So zero tariffs is out of the question. How much and how many items to be tariff is guaranteed. All imported metals are getting the 25%. So your C8/C9 has just got a little more expensive then last week? lol...
Canada, China and Mexico are their biggest trading partners. Then work down the list.
Please build those damn pipe lines one to the East and one to the West to start.
Trump is putting tariffs in there to collect money to build new Trump Towers in the Gaza strip. Don't ever get the optic out of mind that everything is for his pocket at the end of the line.
Axe. I have bad news. JT has hired Casey and Finnigan off the Mr. Dress up show as Canada's Fentanyl Czar. Probably the smartest 1.3 million he has spent... :rolleyes:View attachment 129636
Probably would be a good idea Rruuff.
Something at DJT's IQ level that he could understand!
Most of his uneducated followers would never understand that his tactics will drive the "Made in USA" products less competitive around the world because of higher cost for production with the tariffs.Good way to ahoot yourself in the foot.. Lol..
If we/the world, would just move on from the usd as the standard currency and replace it with the Euro, that would hurt them the most.
Screw Tesla and bring in cheaper ev from China for cheaper ulternative for Canadians. Bye to the Detriot big three.
Most of his uneducated followers would never understand that his tactics will drive the "Made in USA" products less competitive around the world because of higher cost for production with the tariffs.Good way to ahoot yourself in the foot.. Lol..
If we/the world, would just move on from the usd as the standard currency and replace it with the Euro, that would hurt them the most.
Screw Tesla and bring in cheaper ev from China for cheaper ulternative for Canadians. Bye to the Detriot big three.
Remember in the 2016 election cycle that DJT said he liked the un-educated. We now know why! However even the educated 1.e. post secondary, seem to be fairly ignorant as well. At least those in his circle.
DJT must be fluffing his feathers as the US$ appreciates in value making imports less expensive so they can buy more for less. It doesn't seem to be apparent that a higher USD also makes US products more expensive to purchase from them thereby making competing products more affordable. So less sales for their "expensive" product.
Yes, it would be nice to establish another "standard" currency but that is not too realistic at present. The EU has their own problems within their "confederacy" to maintain the EURO which countries always threatening to drop out of. Maybe the CDN $ would be a good alternative LOL
China is not our "friend". They seek to dominate the world in other fashions than the USA. Look at how they, read communist party, follows everyone's data usage and, I posit, probaly have a lot of information on just about everyone through at the very least our purchases and TikTok. China will undercut just about any manufacturer and drive them in to the ground. Then we have no other choice than to buy from them as they are the only ones around. And their manufacturing standards are not the best.
So maybe we can pay a little more to support our CDN companies and have them develop CDN products and services. Then the big hick is for them not sell off to the USA or any other country to truly establish a CDN manufacturing base. Too many times products have been developed in Canada and then the company is sold off only for them to close the CDN manufacturing facility within a few years.
Support DYNAMIC CAPS. Two birds with one stone. A CDN product and makes us feel good and our cars look good
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China workers can not unionize. They can't even speak out! So they have cheap labour.
Trump is trying to block the cheap labour from entering USA which will also drive up the price of local products.
And we all know one of DJT's best friends answer to unions - shut the warehouse. Amazon
You know what MAGA stands for now since the election.
Meta - Amazon - Google - Apple
They were all there right behind him.
It is so sad and disbefief with what's going in the US. Integrity is something that Trump never understood and possess. I wonder if he realizes that he is being use from some of those that stroke his ego.
I was under the impression that he paid to get stroked…… :rolleyes:
If I was an American and lived in the states, i would be happy with what he is doing, he’s looking out for America.
That’s what we need a prime minister with some balls that is going to lookout for Canadians and stand up to Trump, maybe tell him if he doesn’t want to buy from Canada, that’s fine we will not sell him any Oil, natural gas, electricity, lumber and anything else America needs.
We can always sell it somewhere else, also tell him we are going to cut his natural gas pipeline off that runs through Canada from Alaska and maybe no more commercial trucking down the Alaska hwy.
That’s all I can think of right now but there’s probably plenty more that can be cut off.
Also start build factory’s in Canada to produce products with Canada's raw materials instead off just shipping it all out of Canada and bringing it back as products to sell here made elsewhere.
If I was an American and lived in the states, i would be happy with what he is doing, he’s looking out for America.
Trumps tariffs will raise prices for a ton of products in USA! Send their ONLY friend into a recession and ONLY benefit the rich in USA!
Manufacturers will have to raise prices on both sides of the border. This only benefits his friends and nobody else. The guy is the worst form of human life!
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LOL... Trump looking out for America? America will suffer almost as much as we will with his self serving decisions. I do agree with having someone in Canada that will look after Canadian interests but not at the expense of our people and our economy. Trump is only interested in putting as many feathers in his cap as he can. Sure. Cut off his NG pipeline... Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces can freeze to death. Or did you forget that our NG goes to the US and then goes to our East. Yeah. The western provinces will be warm though. Where are we going to sell NG and oil? We are already shipping as much into BC as the pipelines will handle. Lets build more pipelines to the coast then. Finally Ontario and Quebec see the potential writing on the wall and have changed their green environmental pipeline roadblock arguments in the interest of heating their houses so we can build another pipeline down there too. Gee. Should have thought of that years ago... Oh. Wait. We did. And what about the lumber, steel and aluminum we produce? Do we have a rail line to Europe? BC can barely handle the offshore shipping load now. And for a month each year we can eat all the fruit and vegetables we can grow in our own short growing season as we don't need them from the US and Mexico anyway even if our grocery shelves will be empty most of the year. Alaska... Hell. That one's easy. We can just annex it into Canada. Why not. It's not even physically connected to the US. Although it's the most demanding state the US has. Just what we need. Another province dependent on three provinces' transfer payments to keep them afloat. Except where will Canada get the extra few billion for that since we won't be selling 1/4 of the products that we ship into the US. To completely stop selling to the US would force Canada into higher taxes, abandon the free healthcare services we now enjoy, massive cuts to education, hospitals, and infrastructure. Sadly, Canada has avoided all the things that would even come close to us being self sufficient without the US. Sorry to say, our choices are limited, and when Trump is done using his military to take Greenland, Gaza and Panama, and his troops then move north to take whatever he wants from us, we will have even fewer choices... This is all just my thoughts and I'm sure many will not agree with me. I hope the future proves me wrong.
LOL... Trump looking out for America? America will suffer almost as much as we will with his self serving decisions. I do agree with having someone in Canada that will look after Canadian interests but not at the expense of our people and our economy. Trump is only interested in putting as many feathers in his cap as he can. Sure. Cut off his NG pipeline... Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces can freeze to death. Or did you forget that our NG goes to the US and then goes to our East. Yeah. The western provinces will be warm though. Where are we going to sell NG and oil? We are already shipping as much into BC as the pipelines will handle. Let’s build more pipelines to the coast then. Finally Ontario and Quebec see the potential writing on the wall and have changed their green environmental pipeline roadblock arguments in the interest of heating their houses so we can build another pipeline down there too. Gee. Should have thought of that years ago... Oh. Wait. We did. And what about the lumber, steel and aluminum we produce? Do we have a rail line to Europe? BC can barely handle the offshore shipping load now. And for a month each year we can eat all the fruit and vegetables we can grow in our own short growing season as we don't need them from the US and Mexico anyway even if our grocery shelves will be empty most of the year. Alaska... Hell. That one's easy. We can just annex it into Canada. Why not. It's not even physically connected to the US. Although it's the most demanding state the US has. Just what we need. Another province dependent on three provinces' transfer payments to keep them afloat. Except where will Canada get the extra few billion for that since we won't be selling 1/4 of the products that we ship into the US. To completely stop selling to the US would force Canada into higher taxes, abandon the free healthcare services we now enjoy, massive cuts to education, hospitals, and infrastructure. Sadly, Canada has avoided all the things that would even come close to us being self sufficient without the US. Sorry to say, our choices are limited, and when Trump is done using his military to take Greenland, Gaza and Panama, and his troops then move north to take whatever he wants from us, we will have even fewer choices... This is all just my thoughts and I'm sure many will not agree with me. I hope the future proves me wrong.
The pipeline I was saying to cut off is not a Canadian pipeline it’s an American pipeline that sends NG from Alaska to the US and is an American pipeline that runs through Canada, as for not selling to the USA there is another world out there that needs the materials and products Canada sells to the USA, we can build ports east coast and west coast and pipelines east coast / west coast, these should be built in any case as Canada has relied on the USA for far to long, it’s not like this is the first time the USA has put traffic on, more manufacturing plants should be built across Canada, we have near all resources to produce anything we need, have you never heard of greenhouses, you can grow stuff other than marijuana in them.
The pipeline I was saying to cut off is not a Canadian pipeline it’s an American pipeline that sends NG from Alaska to the US and is an American pipeline that runs through Canada, as for not selling to the USA there is another world out there that needs the materials and products Canada sells to the USA, we can build ports east coast and west coast and pipelines east coast / west coast, these should be built in any case as Canada has relied on the USA for far to long, it’s not like this is the first time the USA has put traffic on, more manufacturing plants should be built across Canada, we have near all resources to produce anything we need, have you never heard of greenhouses, you can grow stuff other than marijuana in them.
I agree with all of that and we do have the resources but it takes a lot of money to do all those things you mention and starting in March, we will no longer have excess money to build the infrastructure necessary thanks to Trump and his tariffs. Hell. We don't have excess money now without those massive cuts. The really unfortunate thing is we could have started years ago but governments felt it was more important to squander our money. I don't have 2024 numbers yet but in 2023 our federal government gave 15 plus BILLION $$$ to foreign countries. That and the previous decade or so of governments in power giveaways could have had us well on our way to some resemblance of self sufficiency.

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