You know .... sometimes you might get blindsided into liking CS dougie .... but he is corrupt to the core .... our options in this upcoming election are farts in the wind, vomit and dog piss .... ( assign each of the front runners the moniker of your choice )I've taken a liking to Dougie for standing up to DJT so far. Better than JT but any Prime Minister probably has to be a bit more diplomatic.
Just when I read that Dougie is promising to dig a hole under the 401 to bury tax payer dollars I say he's just another politician with grandiose projects to catch some news time
Standing up to Trump ? I dont think so ... hes just putting on some kind of show to try to make himself look like a hero and Trump is just laughing in his face ...
As for digging a 65 km tunnel under the 401 that will cost a gazillion dollars and take 50 years to complete ? The motives there are obvious ... contracts , contracts , contracts that are accompanied by big fat ( like himself ) envelopes for many years to come
Ford is a moron ... all of his arguments could easily come out of the mouth of a 5th grader...
Moron yes but not when it comes to defrauding the people of Ontario and enriching himself and his friends ...