From the 2023 OM - Vehicle Care - Brakes - starting on page 257...
"Brake Squeal and Brake Dust
Some driving conditions or climates can cause a brake squeal when the brakes are first applied, clearing up following several applies. This does not mean something is wrong with the brakes. Vehicles equipped with high performance brake systems provide superior fade resistance but will produce increased brake squeal and brake dust on the wheels and calipers as compared to standard brake linings. This is normal.
To help reduce squeal, the brake pads are treated with an anti-squeal paste that may need to be reapplied periodically as part of normal vehicle maintenance. The anti-squeal paste will dissipate over time. Also, the use of wheel cleaners or power washers directly on the brake calipers may remove the anti-squeal paste from the brake pads. It may be necessary to reapply the anti-squeal paste if it is removed during cleaning. If brake squeal is excessive, the anti-squeal paste should be reapplied. The anti-squeal paste should always be reapplied whenever the brake pads are removed or replaced. See your dealer for service."
Just sayin'...