2022 C8 launching

When I was around 20 years old I had a Dodge Demon 340 with big Micky Thompson tires on the back with ladder bars to help with traction and headers. It was pulling consistent 13's. To bad this is the only picture I have of it with my then girlfriend in it who later became my wife and then after many years ex wife. LOL. Wish I still had the car. Not her. :)
Beauty! (The car, not the wife ;) )
Here is mine! 1971 Plum crazy Duster 340.
Best time 14.38 on bias ply street tires

Reaction time is when you first move after the light turns green. You can leave 3 seconds late and still pull off a PB record time...
Yeah but I left slower because of the wheel hop. Once I got past the lights I floored it. Just there was a stretch of sticky pavement that wasn't agreeing with my tires.

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