@Rruuff Day I would tend to agree with you on the car commanding a premium. I have 37K on mine and have replaced the tires, which looked brand new (Goodyear F1's). I think it is worth in the 35K price range. There in an independent dealer in Bobycaygeon, Ontario (Lakeside Auto Sales) that specializes in Corvettes and other high end automobiles, they move a lot of Corvettes. I think their pricing is pretty much spot on. They currently have an 03 special edition with 43,000 kms listed at $36,990.00. These cars have been creeping up in price for sometime. This may shock some but my 03 listed at $75K twenty years ago. No delivery problems, bought mine off the showroom and you could negotiate at that time, I got some nice plastic floor mats!
They are worth keeping track of, they have a list of Corvettes sold for example but once sold they remove the price. Not sure why so you need to note pricing when the car is still for sale. Place apparently has a solid reputation.