
High RPM Poster
2 You're 10
Jul 6, 2012
none right now.
Took the 'vette out of storage one more time today. After all, it was 18C and sunny; who could resist? I hope everyone had a great drive today in southern Ontario. :D
Hey Brian, today was an open house at my parents ex-house on Calvin. We took the vette for a drive and dropped in to check it out.

As a child I thought most of the rooms were a good size, now I'm thinking how on earth did my brother and I ever share the bedroom?

Wasn't as sunny as I wished but it was 17c and any time out in the 'vette is a GOOD TIME.
Okay you guys, us boys out west have names for guys like you of which I cannot repeat on this forum!! lol
Woke up to -22C with a wind but hey it warmed up to -12C today.
Glad your getting a few last runs in.......I may be getting just slightly green.
Remembrance Day

We went out to my home village of Warsaw for the Remembrance Day service. That was one more nice 75 mile run for the year. At this stage of the game, every outing is a big bonus. About 12 years ago we had the cars out until the first week of December before the snow and salt ended the driving season.:driving:
Sorry about your luck SB -- that's cold for sure.

Got mine out for a little run today amidst Remembrance Day activities.

Hoping for an early spring so that we all can get out again with our treasured 'vettes.

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Got mine out today for its final run to the storage facility. With the awesome weather I was definitely uninspired to put it away for its winter hibernation.
As requested, it is easily removed when the warmer spring weather generates the car fever again as I am not blocked in by other cars enjoying a little longer winter nap.
with apologies to our Alberta members............but had the GS 'vert out, top down,
and temp was apparently ~ 20C. [ on the plus side. [G] ].

Had the car for 9 weeks now, and have put on 3000km. Way too much fun !!
But the past 4 years have been able to keep the car on the road until end of Nov.
so hopefully another couple of weeks ??

Take care,
Tony, welland
with apologies to our Alberta members............but had the GS 'vert out, top down,
and temp was apparently ~ 20C. [ on the plus side. [G] ].

Had the car for 9 weeks now, and have put on 3000km. Way too much fun !!
But the past 4 years have been able to keep the car on the road until end of Nov.
so hopefully another couple of weeks ??

Take care,
Tony, welland

Thursday/Friday this week sounds good Tony. Mine is on the road 'til month's end.

Gee I'm not jealous at all. Maybe because my car is gone anyway so driving even if the weather was fine would not be an option for me. I say more power to you guys, if you have car appropriate weather then you ought to be enjoying it. I'm sure I would if I could. Besides which I can live vicariously though your adventures too you know!

I need some clarification though LSXtasy, were you jealous because it was a Lamborghini, it was yellow or both? I'd be lying if I said I admitted I felt anything to be ashamed about with my C6 compared to a Lamborghini to be honest with you. Having looked over the Aventador and about 4 or 5 Gallarado's at Race the Base I don't find my car wanting at all. They are nice cars but overpriced severely! I looked at a site that had a nice 1200 hp TT package for the Aventador - for the measly price of $149,000 plus the car of course! Over three times what I paid for my car just for the turbo kit!

I like to think that we show a good deal more sense than some of the exotic guys. Just imagine what you could do with say a $400,000 price tag and $149,000 TT kit price to a brand spanking new Z06 or ZR1? After the say $100,00 or $125,000 price tag imagine asking Manny to try to spend $525,000 on upgrades??!!

I just couldn't see it. Even with money pouring out of the bank, I think I could go with a modded Z06, a modded 427 vert and a whole lot of change left over.


Okay you guys, us boys out west have names for guys like you of which I cannot repeat on this forum!! lol
Woke up to -22C with a wind but hey it warmed up to -12C today.
Glad your getting a few last runs in.......I may be getting just slightly green.

Hahahaa. Names for guys like you!:rofl:

I feel your pain and maybe a tinge of jealousy! Common spring! All you guys out west better take some pictures for us and extra enjoy your vettes!
Out this morning at 7:15 for a coffee run (13c) another trip to the drug store later this morning and then rain in afternoon. Colin, Tony, a Thu/Fri meetup sounds good, wonder if Brian has put his clubs away yet?

Sounds like our western friends have been getting a lot of white stuff this week. It will get here before we know it. Here's hoping for an early spring.
Season Ending Outing....Almost

Last spring, when we first got our car, I took my buddy Kent for a run down to the restaurant at the Peterborough airport. Today, Kent and I, along with a couple of other friends, went down to the airport again for lunch to finish off the season. The wussies have put their pampered pets away for the winter. I'll be doing it when the salt flies. It's nice having a heated garage, so I can give the car the spit and polish treatment over the winter when it's not fit to be doing anything else. Just so that I won't be bored, Dale has a bunch of renovation work lined up for the next week or two......or four. :D
Had mine out for a final run yesterday. Covered about 200kms with the top off driving through the Niagara escarpment and wine region. Discovered a great route just east of Hamilton: New Mountain/Ridge Rd. that's elevated, nice and windy with some great homes and views along the way!

She's done for the season now. :( Why is it the car always seems to handle and sound its best the day you decide to put it away?! :confused:

Look forward to falling in love with her all over again when I pull off the cover in April. :coolgleam:
I was jealous not of the Lambo ( although sweet, and yes severely overpriced), but the fact that we drove our truck and that I didn't have my Vette to drive. The weather was fantastic this weekend but has been all over the place this autumn so I put her(my Vette) away early this year. That last 2 years we've taken her on one last roadtrip for Leeann's birthday.

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