Oh don't sacrifice. That's never in my intention. Been there done it - won't do it again.
The discount hunt is for those who can find/accept what they want on a lot.
In 2016 I found 5 at different dealerships within 300 miles of each other. I was good to do all that work and travel.
For those who are particular to an exact specification, a compromise can lead to remorse - don't do that.
In 2017, there was no other option than to wait and see if a reduced price would even happen as
it was the only SBM remaining in Western Canada ... so we had to be good to let it go
and than start again in 2018 with a modified spec (color) ... we were blessed with it coming through.
My hope is that Alberta Dealers can get back to the way Ontario Dealers are as it means for an all-round good economy for everyone here
(unless one is in the market to buy a Corvette in Alberta - as the time is right now).