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Recent content by Tony Gull

  1. Tony Gull

    Burning oil smell

    There is no fix for this. I changed my own oil in the summer and it did the same thing. It’ll only do it for say 500-1000k. I just changed the oil again late November and am only added 9 litres to see if that’ll cure it. I believe that 9.3 must be a little too much which causes some to spill out...
  2. Tony Gull

    Question automatic headlights?

    My 05 had full manual control with “headlamps suggested” scrolling on the centre screen. I liked that better than my C7 which gives me no option and is on and off in varying light conditions.
  3. Tony Gull

    Wheel well protection

    Yeah I have something similar from RPI, they stick out a bit, and are colour matched, but protect the paint just behind the tires. There may be nothing out there and I’m too picky. Hard to keep it nice living on the tundra and I do drive it a lot.
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  6. Tony Gull

    Wheel well protection

    So the upper circle is where tiny stones get caught in behind. The other circled part gets pelted with whatever the sticky tires kick up, especially the lowest part. I think I’ll clear silicone off the small gap but the rest could use a 3M style wrap for protection. Maybe I’ll put chrome around...
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  8. Tony Gull

    Wheel well protection

    I’ll put some photos on here when I get a chance.
  9. Tony Gull

    Wheel well protection

    Hello fellow Vette owners. Just yanking off my rims for some spring cleanup and seeing the usual paint chips and tiny rocks stuck in the seams between panels in the wheel well area. I’m talking about the painted portion around the rim of the well. Going to do some touch ups and seal off that...
  10. Tony Gull

    What gas stations to avoid?

    Mobil, C Nothing wrong with any of the top tier fuels out there. Mobil, Costco, Shell and PC. None of them have ethanol except maybe the pc 94. But like some have said, don’t store with ethanol as it gathers water. Probably not good even in a plastic tank.
  11. Tony Gull

    Burning oil smell

    After the repair on the valve cover at Ron Hodgson, where I never did see the leak, the burning oil smell problem appears solved. Not convinced that Northgate didn’t overfill the dry sump causing the issue but either way I had my 4th and last free oil change done at July’s end and car is running...
  12. Tony Gull

    Run flats or ?

    Those are very good tires, had’m on my 05.
  13. Tony Gull

    1st to 2nd shift.

    This feature was put in to help keep the vette out of the “gas guzzler tax” area. Don’t think I need 28k/hr to go to 2nd but if I felt the resistance I just went to 3rd. My c6 had a more intrusive setup but not enough to break up a factory setup.