High RPM Poster
Jan 27, 2009
Sherwood Park
2001 Z06
Any ideas on how to pick up the pace around here? I tried a number of months ago with some posts about getting new members to post etc etc but nothing really came of it... for the most part it's the same couple of guys starting the same types of posts...

I'm not trying to be cynical or anything... just an honest question looking to spark some discussion.

For just my $0.02 only... it seems like the forum has switched to the "we already knew each other Sask boys" and the "we already knew each other Ontario boys"...

Like I said, my $0.02 and probably not worth that much.

I bounced some ideas off a senior member or two a few months past but nothing came of it...

Anyone else?:canada:
For my own edification I checked the members list and while we have over 200 members, almost half the posts (i never broke out a calculator) are by the top 10 or so members only leaving half the posts for the remaining 195 members or so...
No problem posting your concern about it being a little quiet around here. People must be out driving their cars...or that's what I hope people are doing. I have no idea on how to get people to post more. I am putting cards on Corvettes that I see and talking to owners that I run into to get more members. I'll sniff around for more ideas, but the people who don't post may just use this forum to read up on what is happening and not wish to post. I may have noticed the C3 crowd quiet down a bit since we decided to postpone a dedicated C3 section, but I may also be talking out of my butt. Shoot me some of those ideas. This has been a wicked year for a lack of time and just plain forgetting stuff for me so you may have to refresh my memory. I want this forum to be awesome, and it is only as good as the members that are on it, so your concern is my concern. But, as you know, posting has never been my problem.:D
i'm on it :) I'm pretty much mentioning the forum to anyone I know with a vette... a few of them have joined but remained silent also...

Have all the canadian vette clubs passed on the information to their local members?

What if members from each of the major cities talked to a few vette/high performance repair shops and got the shops to offer discounts on parts (even 5%) for people that signed up on the forum and in turn we promoted their shop? no money is changing hands, the shop gets work and the membership increases... sounds like a win/win. Might this grow into some sort of a sponsor linked parts bin on the site? just an idea

Does the site have a 1 page brochure.. mission statement... who are we, what we're all about etc... a distribution of that may help a little too

Is there a link to the forum on all the vette club web pages? seems like a no brainer...

Just a couple ideas off the top of my head!!! I'll keep 'em coming...
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