Your Saturday morning smile


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
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I was in a pub last Saturday night, and drank a few, and noticed two very
large women by the bar. They both had pretty strong accents, so I asked,
"Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?"
One of them chirped saying, "It's WALES , you friggin' idiot!" So, I
immediately apologized and said,

"I'm sorry. Are you two whales from Ireland
That's pretty much the last thing I remember...
That's like the woman who asked her husband if the dress made her look fat and he replied that no, the fat made her look fat. He didn't remember much after that either.
jimmy hadn't been in toronto long after arriving from nfld. work was scarce so jimmy came up with a plan. back home he had been a handyman of some reknown and decided to go door to door to drum up some work. finally one man said well , i have a porch out back that needs painting you will find brushes ,paint and everything you need there. i must leave for a couple of hours i will pay you when i return. upon the mans return jimmy met him out front and said "she's all done by, it went good and their weren' even much scrapin to be done. but i got ta tell ya me son, it weren't a porch, it was a corvette." :eek:

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