Your favorite car movie.

Some great ones already.

LeMans and Grand Prix. Mickey Rooney and The Big Wheel.

American Graffiti, still influences the car culture.

Great thread Nelson.:thumbs: Look forward to the responses.
Mine in no particular order.

1. Drive
2. The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix
3. American Graffitti
4. The Cannonball Run
5. Rush
6. Italian Job
7. Bullit
8. Taxi 1, 2 (French versions)
9. Le Mans
10. Smokey and the Bandit
11. Two-Lane Blacktop
12. Corvette Summer (just because you know it's relevant)
13. Gumball Rally
14. Taxi Driver
15. Easy Rider (well close enough)
Mine in no particular order.

1. Drive
2. The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix
3. American Graffitti
4. The Cannonball Run
5. Rush
6. Italian Job
7. Bullit
8. Taxi 1, 2 (French versions)
9. Le Mans
10. Smokey and the Bandit
11. Two-Lane Blacktop
12. Corvette Summer (just because you know it's relevant)
13. Gumball Rally
14. Taxi Driver
15. Easy Rider (well close enough)
Out of your list Drive, Italian job 1 and the remake. Because I have mini's

And Le Mans and Grand Prix.
Graham, never seen Born to be Wild. The photo on the cover looks like the Monneyham and Sharp 554 fuel altered coupe. Have to see if I can find that one. Nice collection.

Anybody have the Henry Gregory Felson (sp) hot rod books. They were reprinted not long ago.
hehe.... Leave it to you Graham..... collection?...... Murray, Graham's great hospitality aside, the tour through his house is by far worth the trip to Langley.... he has a collection of everything cars, music, electronics, etc. etc. that most men would give their left .:rolleyes:.. for...
The Born To Be Wild DVD is actually a disc with the following 4 movies on it.

The Wild Ride
Hot Rod Girl
'T' Bird Gang
The Choppers.

These are 'b' budget films of the day.
i might even have some of these movies on BETA?!?

And YES Eric says... I keep everything! I still have my first wife!! LOL

The Born To Be Wild DVD is actually a disc with the following 4 movies on it.

The Wild Ride
Hot Rod Girl
'T' Bird Gang
The Choppers.

These are 'b' budget films of the day.
i might even have some of these movies on BETA?!?

And YES Eric says... I keep everything! I still have my first wife!! LOL


BETA ha ha!
Not my favourite...... but i'm guessing a lot of you missed this film..... Arnold Schwarzenegger's The Last Stand...... from 2013, which features a '13 souped up (yes, it's modded in the film) ZR1 throughout a huge part of the movie, and in numerous stunts.
For those of you that missed this one as well, a '14 C7 Torch Red convertible was featured in the Entourage movie, driven by Rhonda Rousey, and early pics show a green C7 on set in the next Transformers movie. Not the prototype used in the other movies, but an actual C7.... no word yet on what the C7 transforms into.
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