Winter runs


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Do any of you run your car in winter ( on dry roads) ?
Once mine has been put away that is it until the spring rains wash all the crap away and my road dries up. A couple of years ago during a very mild winter there were several in the GTA that never did put them away.
Do any of you run your car in winter ( on dry roads) ?

For me way too much sand and debris on the roads in Edmonton for that normally till April (late).
Plus the lack of traction on cold ashphalt would be a bit too exciting.

Maybe in southern Ontario or BC it might be more possible.
For me way too much sand and debris on the roads in Edmonton for that normally till April (late).
Plus the lack of traction on cold ashphalt would be a bit too exciting.

Maybe in southern Ontario or BC it might be more possible.

Like he said.... :Ice:
We saw a white Corvette a day before yesterday's 12" snow dump here in South Calgary and think it is from Southgate Chev (now Captial Chev).
No idea why ... but why?
I take both ours out once a month, just to keep the fluids and
various parts moving, and lubricated. I only go out for 15 or 20 minutes,
driving around streets, and making turns, etc.. If I can get a little "blast"
in too, I do so.
Of course, we usually don't have much (any ??) snow,
so it's pretty easy to do this.
And, to do so, I do have them both insured and licensed 12 months of the year.
Every day I have to fight the urge to take my car out for a blast, but sensibility always win and it stays parked.

You took it for a cruise out the garage door and back in yesterday. That is classified as a cruise, isn't it? You got to start it, hear it, move it, tires got snow on them, parked it and shut it off.

Rick, is that a Horny Mike Corvette themed avatar you have going?
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There are very few months where the Corvette or the AMX or Spitfire have not enjoyed at least a little road time. The Spitfire has even played in the snow a few times before the salt trucks show up. :Woohoo:
Our son's MGB has seen clean Winter roads occasionally too... but not so often. The unfortunate young lad has to go to work to make his living. :Nopity:
Not a chance around here :Nono1: we use raw salt and sand in my town and a brine mixture up in the city. I am parked, covered and plugged in until the roads are cleaned off by some good rain storms in the spring. One thing I have to say though, our town sweeps the roads in the spring which is nice
They just started using a beet juice and salt brine mix here in Red Deer this year.... Wooohooo.... liquid corrosives instead of dry corrosives....


Nasty stuff but luckily it doesn't hurt the environment cause it all runs off into the river.... errrrrr.....

The clue for me is the vehicle doesn't have a block heater on it, stock anyway. Even my 280ZX never had a block heater and if a Canadian car doesn't come with one it must be the manufacturer trying to tell you something.

Actually even if they didn't salt the roads I'd never make it from my house to the highway anyway. Too many ice and packed snow ridges.............
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