
Active Member
Feb 28, 2009
Cold lake, Alberta
Hey Guys, been awhile since posting. Just recently took the vette out and after hooking up the Bat cause I was gone for an extended period of time over the winter. I noticed that the windows were not Indexing ( auto riseing to close for a seal )
Just a bit of info here in case no one knew but with the car running and doors closed, hold the window button in the up posn for over 5 sec and that will reset the Indexing. back on track.
Hey Guys, been awhile since posting. Just recently took the vette out and after hooking up the Bat cause I was gone for an extended period of time over the winter. I noticed that the windows were not Indexing ( auto rising to close for a seal )
Just a bit of info here in case no one knew but with the car running and doors closed, hold the window button in the up posn for over 5 sec and that will reset the Indexing. back on track.

Thanks Postie -- yes mine lost its indexing a while back and I found the procedure you used worked like a charm.

Stay in touch. We'd love to hear from you more often.

I also had to do the deed when I reconnected my battery this spring .It's odd because the car should require this procedure every time power is lost but this spring was the first time on my 08 .
I'm going to guess here and say that a short term disconnect won't cancel the window indexing (and other memories) whereas a long term disconnect would.

That's all I can think of.

If your battery is disconnected to long, the charge is lost on the main computer memory capacitor. Not a good thing! If left long enough, you may loose other things besides the windows. Best to leave the battery connected and get a C-TEK to keep it charged. Be better in the long run.
If your battery is disconnected to long, the charge is lost on the main computer memory capacitor. Not a good thing! If left long enough, you may loose other things besides the windows. Best to leave the battery connected and get a C-TEK to keep it charged. Be better in the long run.

Good point Rob. There's really no need to disconnect the battery. A C-Tek will maintain the system as it should be with no need to disconnect the battery.

Seems that cars are so complex these days with computers controlling so much and seem to need to be maintained instead of being shut down.

Postie: A lot of our members here have C-Tek, I personally have 2 for my cars, to connect during the winter (hibernation) months.
I've seen them on sale for about $50 at CTC -- but usually can be had for about $80 regular price.

From my standpoint a very good investment since it not only maintains your car's battery but also keeps the car's computers charged up and happy.

I have removed the neg terminal on my C6 battery every winter, sometimes 3 months pass before I restart it and it will need the window index, but nothing else happens and starts perfectly even after the 3 months no power....
I have removed the neg terminal on my C6 battery every winter, sometimes 3 months pass before I restart it and it will need the window index, but nothing else happens and starts perfectly even after the 3 months no power....

There's some discussion now on battery disconnect versus trickle (smart) charging.
It would be nice to know what's best or whether both procedures are acceptable.
I've been told and believe I've read somewhere in the owner's manual that long term storage requires a battery disconnect, so it seems that way is what the factory wants.
I personally have read that corvettes now have so many live circuits in them that any length of time unused would quickly drain the battery down and possibly ruin it -- hence the recommendation of disconnecting.
I'm also thinking that trickle charging would be as good or better for reasons stated and a little more handy.
BTW- I keep mine on C-Tek trickle all the time -- summer/winter/storage/daily -- I like to keep my battery at optimum all the time.
I'm lucky in that my 'vette is garaged and connecting a charger all the time is very convenient for me.
Whether it's actually necessary is another matter but I believe that if you maintain the battery this way it will not hurt it but help.

I'm hoping that we can start another thread on the subject and get some empirical info from those in the know or in the industry to give some direction.

I think we'd all like to do and know what's best for our cherished corvettes.

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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.

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