Oct 13, 2011
Ancaster, ON
2004 convertible
Today I found out...
and just as predicted by a local Corvette enthusiast who currently wishes to be anonymous.
the answer is
colour me Happy!
and yes, I did drive in the rain.
and yes it is a terrible cash grab

the other good thing was the local garage:
1) Got me in and out very quickly
2) Has wifi
C) Didn't let a teenager drive my car
4) Can do Corvette oil changes
5) Has been in the same family for over 40 years, I last used them in '83 so it was a really wonderful reunion.
Cool...... Was that Cooper's Wayne?
I had my truck e-tested today and it passed with flying colours. My Corvette goes on Tuesday. Had to find someone that still does the older style. I know Cooper's do, but I was recommended to a shop in Hamilton, (Forbs) I know one of the mechanics there. I'm not worrying, it will pass I'm sure.
I'm not sure if yellow gets passed anymore, something about the toxins in the paint. :)

Got it done in the village at Glendale Motors, nothing at the tailpipe they just read the on board computer.

Just finished applying for my renewal stickers online. There goes my lunch money.
Today I found out...
and just as predicted by a local Corvette enthusiast who currently wishes to be anonymous.
the answer is
colour me Happy!
and yes, I did drive in the rain.
and yes it is a terrible cash grab

the other good thing was the local garage:
1) Got me in and out very quickly
2) Has wifi
C) Didn't let a teenager drive my car
4) Can do Corvette oil changes
5) Has been in the same family for over 40 years, I last used them in '83 so it was a really wonderful reunion.

You're going to keep pushing your luck till one day you'll come out to a big white blob of goo cascading down your driveway ! ! !

Corvettes WILL melt in the rain ! ! :nono: Don't say nobody warned you !
and you keep giving me a hard time; yet you say.......licence renewal...
...there goes the lunch money.
So.....lunch at $75 a pop.......you're in a high lunch spending bracket compared
to me.........there...must be nice!!.

Take care,
He's not kidding folks here's Wayne in the Rain!!!


He likes to wash his car this way, not as hard on the elbows!!
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