We all go to shows and such--I am not much of a car cleaner guy--I am mostly shamed into it by someone rubbing the car beside mine--but I do apprieciate a good clean car. People often ask why do we do these events!!--I will tell you the comradery at these events is amazing--the people you get to know and look forward to seeing show after show--to get caught up with what is new with them and their world---one such couple is Ron and Terrill Deibold. Always at the shows and great to talk to---always lots of positive stuff to talk about--and always vigulantly cleaning their car the "BLU DVL" Ron won first prize yesterday at Anderson's with the "BLU DVL"--I had to leave early for work--and Terrill (always the ardent photographer) sent me these shots of Ron's win---Congratulations you guys--and see you at the next vett show!!!
the "BLU DVL"
the presentation!!
Now here is a happy owner relaxing after a hard day of detailing!!!
Terrill please don't shoot me for posting!!!
the "BLU DVL"
the presentation!!
Now here is a happy owner relaxing after a hard day of detailing!!!
Terrill please don't shoot me for posting!!!