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Which one would you pick ? Corvette or Jaguar

That is why I love cars, everyone is different in what they like and dislike, or should say what they love and what is so-so to them. Dislike might be a touch strong to use. To be clear I'm only referring to the SVR, anything lower in model did nothing for me and I'm not a C8 guy and would pick it everyday to the jag in all other trims.
... by its title, taking this as a "general corvette discussion" thread ...

A Jag ... never ever - cool ride but they were parts & servicing money-pits for both an Uncle and a friend.
Way more fun to have an H1 if for having to constantly fund a dealership service department (wow $179/hr now).
Unless I go back and reacquire one from the late 60's, I am done with back-seat riders in a sports car.
Am good with a C7 as a GM ice-cart-before-the-horse does not have me interested ... yet :angelic:
Sounds like the H1 is yours now SP. Derek never leaving Thailand again?

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