Where Were You?

Queensway Public School in Etobicoke (Toronto suburb) in Grade 8.

It just does not seem possible that it was 50 years ago.

Will we ever know the truth?
Queensway Public School in Etobicoke (Toronto suburb) in Grade 8.

It just does not seem possible that it was 50 years ago.

Will we ever know the truth?

Not likely now. There are more questions today than ever b4, but it certainly looks like there was a huge coverup probably involving the FBI, CIA and maybe even the White House, and lets not forget that the mob hated the Kennedys.

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Ancaster High School, Grade 11, came out after writing an exam, got into my friends car and there was all this depressing music being played on all stations. On the way home we heard the bulletin, got home my mother had been crying.

Later while home studying (I know, hard to believe) I saw Oswald get shot live on TV.
I thought ALL information was going to be released after 50 years. What ever happened?

I blame Rob Ford.
I was on my way home after being kicked out of high school again for the 3rd time that year. To say the obvious, I was not a good high school student, however, I did finish first in my class in bus. school at university! Just for fun, I totalled up the total # of weeks I was toast in high school. Care to guess the #? Well, sad to say it was 37 weeks during 5 years at the same school. Did manage to graduate every year but just barely.
I was in study hall my Junior year .Kennedy did a lot to inspire a nation .

+1 Steve -- I liked him the most. He had smarts, charisma, and savoir fare....

Such a tragic loss -- and one which affected the whole world in one way or another.

We didn't know until now how close to nuclear war we were during the early '60's with events such as The Bay of Pigs and Kennedy's assassination.

if you look at the footage or still photo of ruby shooting oswald, you can see peter worthington witnessing the event. he was sent by the toronto telegram to dallas to cover the assassination of jfk.

I had not noticed that Doug -- Good catch. With security the was it was then I think one of us could have been there too if we'd wanted. Ruby apparently sneaked in unnoticed.

Damn Doug -- 2200 posts in about a year....You're an addict..(like Riley and me).:D

I believe that Worthington said he looked just like the Detectives the way he was dressed at the time. No one questioned him or I guess anyone else as to why they were in that tunnel. Could anyone have predicted what was to happen next? Do you suppose that the assassination and subsequent murder of Oswald were the first televised instant deaths?

Strange days indeed.
I believe that Worthington said he looked just like the Detectives the way he was dressed at the time. No one questioned him or I guess anyone else as to why they were in that tunnel. Could anyone have predicted what was to happen next? Do you suppose that the assassination and subsequent murder of Oswald were the first televised instant deaths?

Strange days indeed.

Yes Ruby was apparently mistaken for Secret Service.
Security was quite lax in those days.

Was sitting in home room English class. Can remember as if it were yesterday. The loudspeaker in the room came on with the announcement and if I recall correctly classes were suspended for the day. Then about ten of us went to a girls place down the street were the girls all huddled, cried and consoled each other . Us guys just talked about the whole thing in disbelief . It all brought us a bit closer together, understanding wise anyway.
See, if they ran the investigation 50 years later, they still could. I think every person alive (and old enough) still knows exactly where they were when jfk got shot.

I don't have the foggiest idea where parts of the elements/minerals/atoms that started me off could have been when jfk got shot. Part of the Sun? Space dust? Dirt/plants all around Saskatchewan? :D
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