What is the worst mod?

Wheelskins, Caliper covers, color overkill in engine bay/interior... badges badges badges.
CHEESE in general. :Nopity:

I hope I don't offend anyone but, at least to me, keeping the car as close to original as possible is key. I stepped outside of that line with my engine emblems but still enjoy them but, at least I believe, the Z is still very reminiscent of how it should look, engine, body compartment and exterior. The emblems open up some great conversations at car shows and also stop those in their tracks that pull up beside me wanting to race. To me, cheese is there when people name there cars and continuously call them by that name, and at car shows, have them little doll kids and ornaments around the cars. I always want to kick them and say to the owner that many people would like to take pictures but all the extra dressing avoids that. Who knows, maybe that is what they want. Other things that I don't see eye to eye on with many include lowering the car to an inch above the ground, hydraulic shock, pin striping that makes it look like it was an add on and the big band that so many put acros the top of their windshield.
How about those spinning wheel covers with advertising or the cars name on them? Taxi cabs and Corvettes look especially good with them. Very cool.
Worst mod....sticking with Corvettes?

I would say, a Blazer chassis.

Worst Mod.jpg

For me, it's anything in extremes. Too low, or too high. Wheels too big or too small, too much color, or only using one color on everything or cars that look like they ordered one of everything out of the catalog.
Or, anything that takes away from the capability of the Corvette, such as Les stating that he doesn't like when they are too low, and I agree. I think lower is good until it starts to degrade the performance of the car.
..oh my , this is a " opinion type " answer and not meant to offend anyone, but me being a well known car show slight modification custom type guy I would say : If we all liked the same thing it would be boring in a way. So it is good to see the ideas guys come up with and " add " to their ride with some mods etc. But as much as I like the little things like changing the wheels, custom upholstery, spoked steering wheel, 59 cadillac tail lights etc. I gotta say the corvette came pretty dog gone nice from factory and don't need no mickey mouse parts put on. When I went searching for my first Corvette 2 years ago it had to be stock. # 1, I can't stand seeing a dash butchered and a stereo stuck in the hole and connected to speakers in the doors or big boxes behind the seat. # 2 would be those huge wheels with rubber band tires. #3 a big hood scoop that you can't see over #4 those sun shade louvers on the back window #5 big fender flares put on ( a guy I knew did that to his '67 ( 427 car ) and it just looked terrible . I'm not a fan of bumper stickers either or goofy license plate frames that say stuff like John Deere or are a chain link all around .
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