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Vote For Your Favorite Media Picture

Hey everyone. It's near month end and we have until midnight January 31st to place our votes for our favorite Media picture. Actually, unless you live in Greenwich, England, you don't even have that much time to vote. So scroll through the Media section and vote for the picture that you think should wear the much desired winner's banner. Vote wisely as the winning member will forever more, be worshiped among his peers.... Ok... for at least the rest of next month anyway....

Just in case you are new here or have a memory like mine, here's two ways to place your vote.

Left click up on the 'Media' tab at the top of the screen. Scroll through the pictures to your heart's content until you find the picture that reaches out and screams for your ever so important vote.

You will see a small trophy icon at the bottom right of the picture. Beside this icon is the number of votes this picture has so far. If this is the picture you want to vote for, move your cursor over to that little number beside the lttle trophy and left click your mouse on it. You should see the number increase by one.

The other way is to double click on the picture and open it up big screen. You will see the Information sidebar along the right side of the window and the little "Vote for this as Media of the Month" bar as shown below. Left click on this bar and your vote will be registered.

Remember. You only get one vote and you can't change your mind after you vote. (or at least I haven't found a way to do that

So c'mon members. Show your support and place your vote.

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When I click on the 'media' thingy at the top I get 9 choices in a pull-down menu list!!

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Which is the secret choice that will show me the pictures I can vote for?

Hi Graham. Sorry. It's a double click on the media tab. That will take you right to the pictures. If you don't like the first page of pictures, scroll down and click the next page and so on and so on.
lol.... I'm not an Ipad user but i just tried some experimenting with my laptop. If i if i just hover I get the pull down menu. If I click either once or twice, It loads the media. Glad you got it figured and taught me something in the process...

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