
Power User
Feb 28, 2011
North of Canada
2008m vert
My favorite highway in Maine is RT 9 .Long sweeping highway with plenty of passing lanes and newly paved .At the bottom of one big hill I was going about 208 at the top I was at 225 .I figured I could really see what she would do on the long downhill grade.EXCEPT for the blue lights that came on as I crested the top of the hill . The Sheriff did not pursue he just turned off his lights .

Went to Boston to put the wife on a plane for Washington DC yesterday and it was 38(c) HOT HOT .way to hot to put the top down .

This is what we all waited for all winter:D
I was drivin my Fiesta :D (kidding)

It's damn hot .Like most of Canada we don't have AC in our house .Hell it just stopped snowing a few weeks ago.

Lol! Ya we get 3 months of summer, 6 months good snowmobiling... 3 months of down time! Hard to get any kms on the car in nice weather in AB .......
steve !! any chance of hookin' a tow strap onto that fiesta so my old shark can go that fast too ??? :rofl:
I'm considering afterburners and high torque lug nuts for the Fiesta .What is cool is hanging around with the young generation who have ricers ,nice kids .

I really need to get up to the "Mother Country" and meet up this summer.I payed some guy $100 a piece for a Tee shirt I'd like to get :rofl:
I'm considering afterburners and high torque lug nuts for the Fiesta .What is cool is hanging around with the young generation who have ricers ,nice kids .

I really need to get up to the "Mother Country" and meet up this summer.I payed some guy $100 a piece for a Tee shirt I'd like to get :rofl:

good time to travel north steve, our dollar is at $0.95 u.s.
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