On my 5th Corvette and always stored the same way with flawless results. Similar storage for many motorcycles over the years. Wash and detail a week or so prior to storage, fuel stabilizer in gas and fill tank, change oil & filter, tire pressure topped up, bounce dryer sheets spread around, drive onto squares of a double layer of cardboard to prevent tires from sticking to epoxy floor paint and hook up battery maintainer. During storage period DO NOT start engine unless you plan to take it out and put a load on the engine and bring the oil up to full operating temperature. Even a 10 minute idle will not bring the oil temperature to operating level in the winter. Short engine runs produce a lot of moisture that then sits in your internal engine areas till next spring. The tires are a little "lumpy" in the spring but no worse than when the car sits for a week or ten days during the summer. A few km at highway speeds will smoothen the tires out quickly. I also tend to put mine under a good quality custom fit cover that I got at the Corvette Museum. I don't think the cover is particularly important in a garage that is dry with not a lot of traffic going in and out over the winter but it is nice to slide the cover off in the spring and see your baby spotless without even that slight film of dust.