Tire rotation

My take is slightly different, and nothing to do with the rotation itself. Every time you let someone else (particularly at a dealership and usually not the "Corvette techs") pull your wheels off the car, you are inserting a free radical variable into the system. Uneven tire wear or a possibility of my car falling off the lift. Hmmm.... Something I will do at home myself, either one......
I was planning on going in for an oil change this week, and coincidentally, On Star sent me a reminder to do this, along with a tire rotation. I didn’t think you could rotate tires on a Vette, given the fronts and backs are different sizes. Do they do them side to side?
What kind of recommendations are those? Different fronts and back. Plus directional tirres 😳😳😳
I rotate my truck tires front to back, same side only, as the rear tires on a truck wear faster than the fronts due to the lighter weight or the rear and the tendency for the rear to bounce somewhat on the road bumps which scuffs the tread. Ideally every 10,000km or so but more often than not I procrastinate a bit. You will get an overall longer life from a full set of tireschev on a vehicle with the same size all around if they are rotated.
Check proper way to rotate tires. They will last longer when done right 😳
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