You whine about the warranty and then you want peace of mind? One of us is losing their mind and it ain't me. You should get your story straight.

I don't whine about the warranty, nor do I care if I void it. I whine about everyone that is so worried about losing theirs. If I am changing out my old ass fluid, I'm gonna change out my old ass filter. If it comes out of my pocket I'm fine with that...
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I don't whine about the warranty, nor do I care if I void it. I whine about everyone that is so worried about losing theirs.
So "Do as I say and not as I do!" Change your filter! I care not what you do. I'll follow the manual since I'm betting GM knows best.
Oh God, the "Warranty". You're old. Don't put off today what you might not see tomorrow. Applies to 92.8% of the Membership...

and when you change the fluids, change the filters lol....
Old is relative. I know “ old “ 40 year olds . And “ young “ 75 year olds . Quite often it’s all in your head. I usually only put off till tomorrow what I can’t afford today, lol . At least the first filter is free. $800 for a frikin filter seems a bit rich .
Why buying from Edmonton. Duecks in Vancouver? I can get a car no problem.
When I started I did talk to Duecks, wouldn't even take my name down as they had too long of a list. Plus they wanted $3000 for a ceramic coating. Got on a list in Alberta and just waited my time.
I did try our new Maple Ridge Chev dealer but they had no allocations. Sherwood Park seems quite above board and had lots of allocations.

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