SO ... I took the car out yesterday to go and meet you guys...and then I saw a huge black cloud on the mirror following me. I made a U turn and garaged it.

I am no longer going on the Vette Thursday evenings...but the funny thing is neither are you... it seems (except for the odd one) Thursdays are rain days in bridge city....we've got rain 5 out of the last 7

I hate the weather...and even more so, the weather people that are always was supposed to be nice and sunny up until the changed the forecast around 5 PM geee
Well, if it is worth anything, I should be at the next few. Late July will be a miss as well as part of August. I'll be out on the weekends as well...I just need to get my new headlights working.... There's lots of summer left. If Thursdays are rained out, we could plan an alternate day to meet later that week.
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