Did you know what kind of parts they used it on? was it the entire car, or just certain areas? The infomercial makes it seem like you could use it on pretty much anything.

Thanks for the tip! Price seems right for a good result.
Is that the stuff that Danny of Counting Cars on TV advertises?


I don't know who was on the informercial, but Woodstock is right, the black plastic stuff is where it looked best. They claim I can use it on the headlight housing as well. Furthermore, upholstry and dash too!!
Anything with that much shine kind of scares me a little bit. Makes me think that it has a higher silicon content than Pamela Anderson. Anyway, it's something I would try on my truck or a buddy's car before the Vette. :D
LOL....I just read this post and as I am reading it the "wipe new" commercial came on...no joke...not sure about this yet....

Sounds too good to be true but it's endorsed by Danny Koker of Count's Kustoms if that means anything so it can't be all bad.....

Next time I'm in Home D I'll pick some up and give it a try on my kid's tricycle...:D

I used kiwi shoe polish( the bingo dabber style) on the black plastic on my jeep and the mirrors on my friends pickup. worked like a charm and lasted a long time. looked good too
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